Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday August 13, 2008

I lost my blog for today so I am starting over. Boy do we need rain. Another warm, partly sunny day. I have been watching so much swimming in the Olympics that I want to spend more time in the pool. Today I swam 1000 yards. The new chemicals in the pool are great. My nose and skin appreciate the MAC's investment in new chemical equipment.

After swimming I had my Wednesday oatmeal at the Omelette Shop. Today is chore day. I took shirts to the laundry, tried to get glass in the screen doors in Stephen's old room, and purchased dog bones and skin lotion at Meijers. The glass for the screen doors was a bust. I now have to figure out how to keep the room warm in the winter.

I did have time to throw my kayak in the Grand River. I spent 1.5 hours in the river between Riverside Park and the 6th Street dam. The lack of rain has resulted in very low water levels in the river.

Tonight is Nancy's book club so of course the boys had pizza at Fred's. Tonight we spent most of our time talking about the Olympics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

buying dog bones hmmmmmmmmmm doesn't sound to appetizing