Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday July 22, 2008

Nice and sunny this morning. After my coffee, I stopped by a lawn mower and bike repair shop on Fulton and purchased a new front wheel and tire for my retro. The new tire can carry 65 psi so it is easier to pedal. I will keep the old tire and use it in the winter when we have snow and ice on the pavement. The old tire only carried 40 psi. I am now thinking of also getting a new rear tire. The rear tire will required that I also have to purchase a new chain ring.

This PM I mowed the lawn. Typically I have been mowing every 6 days. Today was 7 days and it required a lot more effort to cut the grass. 1 day does make a difference.

As soon as I finished a short shower moved through the area. We got little rain but it lowered the temperature by about 10 degrees.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

Good thing you mowed before the rain. You would have had to wait another day or two.

Petunia enjoyed her playtime at the beach yet again. She's become a real beach bunny.