Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday July 26, 2008

A day started foggy and very humid. The sun broke through around 1000. This AM is hoped on my retro and headed to Starbucks for coffee and the paper.

Riding home from Starbucks I noted that my new rear tire was going flat. As soon as I got home I filled the tire with air and hoped the tire would remain inflated during my bike ride.

I drove the South Haven and started on the Kal-Haven trail. The trail is on an old railroad grade and is not paved. It was such a beautiful day that I crossed my fingers and started east towards Kalamazoo. The trail was crowded with bikers. I pedalled 15 miles east and returned without any problems. I saw several turkeys but no deer.

I am now finishing the laundry. For dinner I pedalled to Big Bob's and had a pizza and beer.

Another great summer day.

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