Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tuesday morning we had 1/4" of rain. Performed my standard set of exercises at home, showered and helped Helen and Don load up the car to take Shirley to the airport. The Crandalls returned about 0800 just in time for Bob and Nancy to take them to breakfast at Arnies.

After breakfast the Crandalls headed for Gaylord. Nancy worked at the hospital and Bob installed all the screens that were removed yesterday for the power washing. Bob also went for a 2 mile run.

After a short nap I was getting my bike out of the garage when I heard a loud noise. The garage door lifting assembly broke. The heavy spring landed on the rear window of my car and broke said window. Tomorrow we have the garage door repaired and on Thursday a new window will be installed.

On a brighter note today the Grand Rapids City Commission reappointed RHS to the Building Authority. While looking through some family documents in the basement I found a 1925 calender book that was used by my Grandmother Hughes on her trip to Europe. The back pages of the book listed all the cities in the US with a population over 25,000. Grand Rapids in 1925 was larger than Tampa, FL, San Diego, San Jose and Phoenix.


Tasha Kent said...

So cool. Bummer about the window.

Tasha wonders if Bob likes writing in the third person. Tasha thinks it's interesting considering this is a personal blog.

Tasha is just curious.

Tasha hopes Bob and Nancy have a nice evening. Tasha is now going to go for a quick run. It's going to rain in Tasha's town.

Anonymous said...

How awful about your car window - I would have been really mad. Very cool about the calendar - how fun to look back 80+ years ago. Debbie