Friday, July 4, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We had 5" of rain overnight. This rainfall represents a 1 in 100 event occurrence or a 100 year storm. We were lucky no power outage.

Nancy fixed Helen's (my sister) three grand daughters scrambled eggs for breakfast. Helen, Shirley and the kids left at 0800 for their big adventure. Got on my bike and headed for the MAC (Michigan Athletic Club) for my morning routine of exercises. I can right home after the MAC to get ready for lunch with an old employee, Rick DeVries. Rick and I discussed the world according the logic only available to civil engineers.

Thursday evening we headed to Fifth Third park for a company picnic and a ball game. Because of the Wednesday night storm we got to see a double header. A beautiful night for baseball. Nancy and Bob did not stay for the completion of the second game.

Overall a great day.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

logic according to civil engineers? you guys have logic?? it just doesn't compute.