Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday July 23, 2008

Continued my experiment with going without a nose covering in the MAC pool. Today I swam 30 minutes and my nose remained clear all day. I can not tell how the new pool chemical react with my skin because it has been so humid lately.

Today was another sunny July day. I took my kayak to Pigeon Lake in Ottawa County. The lake outlets to Lake Michigan. However, it was too windy to attempt going out into the big lake. Instead I paddled up the Pigeon River. The River is a winding gentle stream with no development along its banks. I saw plenty of waterfowl but no mammals until I got out of my kayak to get my car. A deer was standing in a field about 10 yards from me.

I have been impressed with the way Barack O has been handling himself on his overseas trip. He has made John M seem like so 90's. I am surprised some blogger has not made fun of Barack's initials BO.

Gas prices continue to go down. Regular gas is below $4 a gallon.


Anonymous said...

We're still at $4.50 a gallon but at least that's down.

Anonymous said...

it's down to 3.84 here.