Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday July 25, 2008

Alarm went off at 0400. Nancy has a 0530 flight. Arrive at airport at 0430. I returned home and slept until 0630. I then walked to Wolfgangs for breakfast. I walked home to check my e-mails and plan my day. I decided that while Nancy is gone I will suspend my morning exercises and just plan on biking and kayaking.

At 0830 I walked to the lawn mover and bike repair shop to pick up my retro. The new tires have less rolling resistance and thus give me an easier ride.

I packed up my kayak and headed to Whitehall on the shores of Lake Michigan. I put in on the White River and paddled upstream for 1 1/2 hours. The return trip also took 1 1/2 hours.

After a quick shower I hopped on my retro and headed to the new New Orleans type restaurant next to Wolfgangs. I had the gumbo soup and catfish. It was great. I will watch TV until nine and then head to bed. Tomorrow I am going to South Haven to ride the Kal-Haven bike trail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catfish good for you - it is high in Omega 3 oils. Have fun riding on Saturday