Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday July 21, 2008

Another hot, hazy day with no rain. I left immediately from the MAC and headed to Rosebush to visit cousin Peg. I read several entries from Grandma Hughes' log of her 1927 trip to Europe. Peg seemed to enjoy Grandmother's comments.

We had lunch at Applebees and then went to a local nursery to order some plants for the family cemetery plot. We had a good time discussing family.

It is a long trip to Rosebush (310 miles round trip) so I am taking it easy tonight.

Tomorrow is lawn cutting day. Next year I am going to buy an electric mower, unless my children give me one for Christmas.

Gas in the little city of Carson City was $3.99. In GR it is $4.09. I have noted when I travel the freeways that trucks have reduced their speed. Oh the power of the pocket book.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

haha.. great way to drop a subtle hint.

I took Petunia to the beach again last night. She loooooooves it and can't get enough of diving in the water to retrieve a stick. She loves swimming. I'm going to have to take her the beach after work every night this summer! As soon as we pull into the park's parking lot, she is going beserk. She can't pull me down the hill fast enough to get to the water.