Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday July 13, 2008

Sunday is sunny and very windy. Nancy and I started our Sunday as always with a 1500 yard swim. It takes me 43 minutes to swim 1500 yards (1372 meters). Last week the 1500 meter time at the trials was 12 minutes. Am I slow or am I slow!

After the swim we went to Meijers. We loaded up because Nancy is preparing dinner next Saturday for 7 people. We are also going to a pot luck on Thursday at Meijers Garden.

For breakfast Nancy prepared pouched eggs. We also had fresh fruit. Summer is great.

After my nap, I went on a short bike ride on my retro bike. I think I travelled 10 miles. Tonight we are having hot dogs and corn on the cob.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

You might have swum faster if you had a national broadcast camera on you along with commentators and a stadium full of spectators.

If that were me, I would have feigned a pulled muscle before even taking off my robe at the starting block.