Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another warm and sunny day. Started with breakfast at the Brandywine, hot cakes, eggs, toast and the New York Times. Because of the heavy rain I decided to put my kayak in on a nice gentle stream. I drove to New Richmond on the Kalamazoo River and found the stream was a raging torrent. So I moved to Douglas and put in at the mouth of the Kalamazoo. Paddled around the harbor at Saugatuck and looked at all the boats.

When I got home I cleaned out the garage and removed the screen door in Stephen's old room. Monday is the day we get the outside of the house power washed.

At 7:00 pm Bob and Nancy drove to Tom Apels cottage on Bostwick Lake to watch the fire works. Talked with Jim Walthers the retired teacher at Ottawa and also the Kravitz's, old neighbors. We had a good time and Tom was a great host.

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