Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday July 19, 2008

I already wrote this entry but it must be lost in la la land. Anyway on Saturday gas was $4.15 per gallon and a senior coffee at McDonald's was $.65. How come the cable stations I watch do not have McDonald ads but have plenty of colon cleaning ads.

Saturday was hot and humid with intermittent showers. I dropped my Kayak in Camp Lake in NW Kent County. The lake is nice and clear with almost 100% development along its shore. It took 45 minutes to travel around the lake. The next lake was Long Lake. This lake does not allow motors on the lake. The lake also has less than 10% development. The lake is very small but the lack of outboard motors and jet skis makes the trip very enjoyable.

While I was out paddling, Nancy was home preparing a meal for 7 people. The dinner started at 6 PM. Senior citizens always arrive on time, never ever are they late. The meal and conversation were great.

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