Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday July 14, 2008

What can I say, another great day in GR. The day started sunny and cool and gradually warmed up to the mid-70s. Performed my normal morning routine. In the PM I took my trusty retro bike and headed south to the county line. In Caledonia, I found the Paul Henry Trail and headed north. This stretch of the Paul Henry Trail is on an abandoned rail road grade. Like most rail road grades the Trail is nearly flat. However, this section of the trail is not paved. I wanted to test the retro on a gravel and dirt surface. The retro passed with flying colors.

This evening Nancy and I headed to John Ball Park to a jazz concert. Nancy prepared a picnic meal and we ate and listened to the concert. Summer is great.

It is 9:15 and still nice and bright outside. However, it is time for Bob to hit the sack. See ya tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bed at 9:15 you sound like you are on my schedule - but I unfortunately have to get up at 5 to go to work. Enjoy the summer :) Debbie