Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday July 16, 2008

Wednesdays are my easy day. I sleep an extra 1/2 hour and my exercise routine is cut in half. I also go out for breakfast. This morning I had oatmeal at Marie Catribs. I call Eric, a young engineer in our office, and asked him about kayaking in Hardy Pond. Eric highly recommended Hardy Pond. Hardy Dam on the Muskegon River creates the impoundment call Hardy Pond. Eric stated that he had seen a number of Eagles while fishing on the pond.

Hardy Dam is located in Newaygo County about 50 miles north of GR. Today was very hot (90s) and humid. I wore a sleeve less shirt to try and keep cool. Of course with exposed skin I had to put on a lot of sun screen. I was sweating profusely and worried that the sun screen would wash off. I spent 3 1/2 hours on the water. The only critters I saw were several turtles. No eagles this time. The pond is quite large and I only traversed about 1/3 of the circumference. I will return to see the remainder of the pond on another day.

When I got home I washed my kayaking clothes. I keep a buzz off shirt and buzz off hat in the car to wear on the water. I have been wearing both all summer long. I figured it was time they were cleaned. While waiting for the wash cycle to finish, I hopped on the retro and pedalled around Reed's Lake.

After my shower I checked to see if my arms were sun burned. They looked good so the sun screen is sweat and water proof. I decided to pop out my contact (right eye only). My contact must have dropped in the drain, because neither Nancy or I could find the contact in my eye. Tomorrow I will have to open a new one.

We have the AC going full blast, and I will not leave the house for a short walk until the sun goes down.


Tasha Kent said...

You're probably in better shape now than you were 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Wow a busy day for your "easy day.