Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday July 20, 2008

Sunday started hot, humid with threatening showers. Nancy and I started the day with a 45 minute swim. The swim today was special because the MAC has changed the chemicals in the pool. Normally if I do not use a swim mask that covers my nose, I am plugged up by 3 PM. Today, I took my mask off and left my nose exposed. No plugging.

The sun came out at 11 AM and the day has turned into a very sunny day. We still have the AC on.

Friday I wrote about Grandmothers trip to Europe. At the same time Grandfather took his own trip. He left New York City on a tramp steamer, travelled down the east coast, through the Panama Canal, and up the Pacific Coast stopping in Seattle to see his sister. He took the train back to Alpena.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

That's great news about the chemicals. Nothing like an unplugged nose!

I competed in a triathlon this morning. It was so humid that just standing on the beach I was dripping sweat. The swim was actually nice and the water was warm and comfortable. The bike ride was great but the run was difficult. So humid and running in wet clothes. It started to mist and that didn't help. Overall it was great.

Adri, Zoltan, their two kids, her parents and Zoltan's mom and stepdad arrived around 3pm. It was too hot to be inside the house so we had snacks and drinks on the back patio. The kids loved testing out the toys for me. We then went to the lake to dip our toes in the water. Petunia's favorite thing now is to catch a stick thrown into the water. She's a cute but cautious doggy paddler. She loved the water and couldn't get enough of it.

For dinner we went to a tavern near my house and ate outside. You've been there, called Around the Corner. The kids played in the cornhole toss before dinner arrived. I bought a cake for Adri and Zoltan.. it's their 10th anniversary.

It was a great day. I'm not ready for work.