Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday July 7, 2008

Hot, humid and rainy. I hired a company to power wash my vinyl siding on the house. I had my schedule adjusted so that I could be home when the power washer was working. No such luck. A breakdown delayed his start to 1130.

Nancy was planning a dinner for seven at 6 PM. Guests included my sister, Don, Shirley and the Horlings. My sister arrived early. We could not open any windows because I had removed all the screens to accommodate the washing. We turned on the air conditioning and delayed putting the screens until Tuesday.

The dinner party was a success. A good time was had by all. Helen and Don will head back to Gaylord tomorrow and Shirley will catch the plane to Denver at 0700.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

it's hot and humid here too.