Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday July 29, 2008

Yes folks another warm sunny day in West Michigan. No alarm clock while Nancy is away. Awoke at 0645 and immediately hopped on the retro and pedalled to the Cheri Inn for breakfast. After breakfast I checked my e-mail and saw that the office needed my opinion on a design problem. I stopped by the office and discussed the problem. They had already reached a decision. The same decision I would have recommended. Who needs us old guys. I feel like John McCain. I think John M appears to most voters as the old generation and they feel it is time to pass the torch to a new generation. I think I also feel this way.

After the office I drove to Rockford and took the retro on the White Pine Trail. Tasha and I had travelled the White Pine to Rockford but had not gone further north. I pedalled north through Cedar Springs and Sand Lake. At Sand Lake the pavement ends and the trail becomes dirt and loose stones. I tried the unimproved trail for about 5 miles. It was very rough but the retro had no problems except it was slow going. The total trip was about 30 miles.

For dinner tonight I returned to the Cajun place in Eastown and had the blackened catfish. Tomorrow I am heading north to Evart, Mi to put the kayak in the upper reaches of the Muskegon River.

Gas prices have dropped to $3.89. Since Nancy has been gone I have not watched the news or TV. Thus I cannot make any sage comments on current events.

Although I did call Nancy and asked about the earth quake in LA. She said that they did not feel the quake. She thinks it is because they (Nancy and Lucas) were in the car. Stephen said they felt the quake in down town LB.

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