Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yes folks another warm and sunny day. Nancy and Bob started the day with a 45 minute swim at the MAC. We then went shopping at Meijers on the East Beltline. Nancy fixed poached eggs for breakfast. Bob took a short Sunday afternoon nap.

Tomorrow night we are have the Horlings, Crandalls and Shirley over for dinner. Nancy had to have some additional supplies so we went to Costco and stocked up. Actually, I bought some beer. Costco has 28 bottles of Molson's beer for $16. Best bargain in town. My keyboard was kaput and so we stopped and bought a new board at Staples. The new keyboard still is a lousy speller.

Today is Veronica's birthday. We tried to call but no one was home. We will try later.

I am going to try and sell my 15' kayak on Craig's List. Yesterday I took a photo. I will need Melissa's help in setting up the sale.

Tomorrow Debbie starts her new job in downtown SF. We all wish her good luck.

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

Just let me know when you want to post it. You could do it on Chicago's Craigslist too.

Completed my first triathlon of the season. Got a flat tire, so I had to withdraw. So I ran on my own. It was a lot of fun with a lot of my tri-buddies there. I have a triathlon every weekend until August 24, with the exception of this coming weekend. Bought some new goggle and they worked great.