Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 30, 2022

 Tuesday August 30, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den

Up at 0715.  Busy morning because we have a 1300 doctor’s appointment with our new GP, Dr Robert Riley.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today she is riding the stationary bike.

I did all my calisthenics at home today, no Y.  

Oatmeal breakfast and then headed out.  It was 72 and very humid.  Today’s bike ride was 9.5 miles.  No critter sighting.

At home I showered, shaved and got dressed.  I drive to Panera to get a coffee and bagel.  Spent a short time eating bagel and checking email.

At 1230 Nancy and I left for the UM Health Center at E. Beltline and Lake Drive.  Our meeting with Dr Riley went well.  He is now our GP of record.  

Dr. Riley reviewed Nancy’s electronic file.  He will try and get Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  

At home I took a nap.  For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s.  We both had a hot dog and split an order of French fries.

At home we watched a show on Netflix called “Echos”.  Pretty good.

Missy FaceTimed this evening and gave us an update.  Thursday she and AJ are flying to San Jose.  They will spend the weekend with Debbie.

The local communities in NE Michigan are having a lot of car/deer collisions.  This usually happens during the fall mating season.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and it was still warm and humid. However, our local weather folks say no rain for 10 days.  Good news.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 29, 2022

 Monday August 29, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Panera

Up this morning at 0715.  Last night we had a huge storm roll through.  Lots of wind, thunder and lightning.  My weather app said we got 0.9” of rain.  

Nancy slept through the storm.  Very hard to believe because of the noise.

Nancy headed out first.  Today is swim day at MVP.

I did my at home calisthenics before breakfast of oatmeal.  Dressed lightly for my bike ride to Y because the temperature was 72 and the humidity in the 90s.

The Y was empty today.  After finishing my calisthenics and walk I dressed and headed to Panera.

Nancy walked in just after me.  She asked if she was entitled to a treat because of her recent birthday.  She got a bear claw which she shared.  Bear claws are good.

Today I carried my big iPad Pro in my bike’s saddle bags.  Saves wear and tear on my shoulders.

Read the Alpena and Detroit news before finishing several blogs.  I looked out the Panera window and it looked like rain heading our way.  I left early and headed home.

At home, shower and then quick lunch before heading to down to office.  I printed and read the quote I just received from Senior Movers.  It was kinda vague.  I can see a lot of extra costs if not careful.  Will call for clarification.

At 1500 I looked out slider and saw our backyard was flooded.  It was pouring rain.  The rain only lasted an hour but it was intense.  Second big rain in less than 24 hours.

This afternoon I called Missy.  She is visiting Debbie over the Labor Day weekend.  Missy and AJ are flying to San Jose.

We had a light dinner.  Watched the news before switching to BritBox.  Tonight we watched “Murder in Paradise”.  Not very good.

Speaking of streaming shows, Debbie called tonight and gave us several must see shows.  We will start tomorrow.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was warm, 75, with light drizzle.

The humidity is playing havoc with my MG.  My left eye is nearly closed and I am maxed out on pills.  Will have to call Dr Santos. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 29, 2022

August 28, 2022

Sunday August 28, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

I did not get up this morning until 0800.  A major oversleep.  Immediately got dressed and drove to Panera to get Nancy her coffee and I got a bagel.

Fixed myself a bowl of oatmeal to go with bagel.  At 0845 we drove to Trinity  Lutheran Church for the 0915 service.  We were surprised at the good crowd.  Today they blessed the backpacks of the children entering Kindergarten.

When I started Kindergarten we did not have backpacks.  I do remember that I was unprepared for Kindergarten because I could not tie my shoes.  Luckily a neighbor Mary Joe Reinke helped me.

After church we took our Sunday Drive.  Today we drove east to Lowell and then took Grand River Drive back.  Stopped to fill up the Fusion at Meijer’s.  Gas was $3.79.  The Escape gets better gas mileage than the Fusion.

At home I put super duper bike rack back on the Cannondale.  My iPad Pro is too heavy to carry in a backpack.  I will use the bike rack to carry the iPad. 

Took a 4 mile bike ride.  No problems with the rack.  After the ride took a shower and then a short nap.

Before dinner I read GRP’s funnies and obits.  For dinner Nancy fixed a fried egg on a waffle.  Very tasty.

After dinner finished reading the GRP.  No much local news in the GRP.  Poor excuse for a newspaper, but what do you expect of a GR paper printed in Ohio.

Tonight we watched an episode of “True Lies”.  Not very good.

When checked Courtyard before turning in it was sprinkling.  I saw thunder and lightning coming our way. Big storm later tonight.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 27, 2022

Saturday August 27, 2022

Blog time 1740 Saturday sitting in office

Slept in this morning until 0730.  I had a restless night.  My MG was acting up which required taking more pills at 0200.  Also had a sour stomach.

My stomach is probably acting up because of all the overeating I did while the grandkids were here last week.  Nancy said don’t blame my overeating on the grandkids it was my own damn fault.  Guess she told me.

This being Saturday, Nancy and I had breakfast at “The Gathering Place’.  Nancy had her western omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal with a scrambled egg and raisin toast.  No coffee for me this morning.

After breakfast we took a short drive. We drove through the Clark at Keller Lake senior apartments and also Porter Hills apartments at Cook Valley.  Two development we are considering.

Stopped at Panera so Nancy could get her free coffee. (Actually the coffee is not free.  We pay $29 per month for unlimited coffee).  

At home Nancy started the laundry. This morning I felt a little under the weather so no biking or other exercises.  I did run to Meijer’s to fill up the Escape.  Gas was $3.73.

I also made a run to the Apple store.  I had to buy a new charging cord for my iPhone.  I forgot that today classic car clubs in West Mi are having their cruise up and down 28th Street.  Traffic was horrendous.  I did see a lot of Classic and antique cars on display at Woodland Mall.  The place was jammed with many spectators.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in my downstairs office.  Experimented with using my Apple Laptop for writing blog.  I prefer the touch screen feature on the iPad.  Will continue using the iPad.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANCY!  Today is a milestone birthday for Nancy. Today she turns 80.  She spent most of the afternoon answering phone calls from relatives wishing her Happy Birthday.  She got a call from all her family.  Great Day!

At 1800 we drove to Culver’s.  We both got a small Concrete mixer frozen custard.  Very tasty.  Finished the evening with a drive around the airport.

Tonight we watched the final two episodes of “The Sounds” on Acorn.  Good show.

Check of Courtyard before bed and everything was normal.  It was hot and humid and nice weather will continue through tomorrow.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 26, 2022

 Friday August 26, 2022

Blog time 1650 on Saturday sitting in office

Up this morning, Friday, at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I do some picking up.  The realtor and a photographer are coming this afternoon to give us a contract to review for the sale of the Condo.  The Photographer will take photos of the Condo. The photos will be put in a pamphlet and given to potential buyers.  The place has to be nice and tidy.

After the cleanup I did my morning calisthenics and fixed oatmeal breakfast.  The temp was 57 and foggy when I biked to the Y.

Y was empty so I was able to complete my Calisthenic and walk in record time.  After the Y I biked to Panera.  Unlike the Y Panera was jammed.  A college bus had just dropped off a soccer team for lunch.  Luckily Panera has several electronic stations that make ordering a breeze.  Got my coffee and baguette with no problem.

This morning while biking to Panera I encountered a dead fox along the side of the road.  First time I have seen a road kill fox.

President Biden is getting some well deserved criticism for his student loan forgiveness.  Hardworking folks who did not go to college must think that the President has stabbed them in the back.

Left Panera at noon.  Quick shower and then we waited for the Realtor and her photographer.  They arrived an hour late.  We were given a contract but we will not sign until we have time to review.  

The photographer spent an hour taking videos and stills.  We will be glad to see the final product.

Tonight we had a light dinner.  Watched NBC news and then switched to Acorn and watched two episodes of "The Sounds".  Tomorrow we will watch the last two episodes.

Today's blog is being written on my laptop instead of the iPad Pro.  I might switch to laptop because it is easier to carry in my backpack.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  It was dark and gloomy with high humidity.

Friday, August 26, 2022

August 25, 2022

 Thursday August 25, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Panera on Friday.  Yes a day behind.

Thursday morning up at 0700.  Nancy headed to MVP to ride the stationary bike.  The only exercises she can do for a month is ride the stationary bike and swim.  She hates the boot but has been wearing it.

Kim cleans today. Nancy has given her some special instructions.

I do my normal morning routine, calisthenics and oatmeal, before biking to the Y.  All the high school kids are back in school so the Y was empty.

Maybe it is the humidity but today I was super tired.  Every routine was brutal.  A nap will be in order for later this afternoon.

After the Y biked to Panera.  Today I took my mini iPad because it is light.  I read some news but the mini is too small for writing blog.  I need to put my bike rack on so I can put my iPad Pro in saddle bags.

At home I shaved and showered.  My first errand was to make a trip to Kent  County CU.  I seldom use this bank so I closed my account.  Took the check and deposited in Macatawa.  I now only have one bank.  We are in the process of downsizing.  

After lunch continued cleaning up the Condo.  I did find time this afternoon for a nap.

Very light dinner tonight.  We watched another episode of “The Sounds”.

It was very humid all day.  When checked Courtyard before bed the temp was 70 but humidity was 90%.  The humidity plays havoc with my MG.

August 24, 2022

 Wednesday August 24, 2022

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera.

Up this morning at 0630.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Went back to bed and Nancy and I woke up at 0800.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did calisthenics at 50% before dressing and biking to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Nancy left early for her swim at MVP.  I let her go without her boot.  She promised she would put it on after the swim.

At Panera I ordered a bagel but they were sold out.  Same with croissants and scones.  I ended up with baguette.

Blog writing resumes on Friday at Panera.  Why do I get so far behind.  Having problems remembering events from two days ago.

On way home from Panera on Wednesday I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.  Added a bonus because the house must be very clean.  The realtor on Friday is bringing a photographer to take photos of the Condo.  She will use the photos as a sales tool.

We spent most of the afternoon picking up the Condo.  I did find a baseball and tee shirt that the Grandkids left behind.  Will mail tomorrow.

For dinner tonight I finished the Fruit Loops.  Good grief the stuff is loaded with sugar.

We did watch news tonight.  President Biden continues to make bad economic decisions.  If he forgives student loans he will face a huge backlash.  

Tonight we continued watching “The Sounds”.  Courtyard check was uneventful.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 23, 2022

 Tuesday August 23, 2022

Blog time 1030 on Wednesday August 24

On Tuesday we were up at 0700.

Nancy has a 0800 foot Doctor appointment.  I drove.  Glad I went with Nancy because I thought the Doctor was a straight shooter.  Nancy had an opposite feeling.  Bottom line: most of Nancy’s foot problems are age related.  She has arthritis and other leg problems that cause her leg pain.  No magic formula.  

The Doctor did provide Nancy with a leg brace.  She will wear the brace for a month.  After a month the Doctor will evaluate its effectiveness.  

We made a stop at Panera for our morning coffee.  At home I got on bike and pedaled to the Y.  Completed my routine and then headed home.  At home showered and shaved.

Nancy and I made a trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy bought some arthritis crème to put on the sore spots on her leg.  We also restocked are larder.

At home needed my credit card to make a purchase.  SURPRISE, I could not find my wallet.

We looked everywhere in the house and cars, no luck.

Started the outside search:

Stopped at Battery Shop, no wallet.

At Panera no wallet.

At the Y no wallet.

Nancy called me and said do not forget to stop at Meijer’s.  Stopped at Meijer’s and sure enough the wallet was found.  MASSIVE RELIEF!!

Tonight we had a late, 1930, dinner.  

I poured a big glass of wine and then switched to Acorn.  We watched another episode of “The Sound”.

Very humid when checked the Courtyard before bed.  No critters seen tonight, but this afternoon we had two Sandhill cranes visit our backyard for an hour.  Beautiful bird.

What a day!

August 22, 2022

Monday August 22, 2022

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was sunny and mild, 62.

I had a quick oatmeal breakfast with a banana.  Today is the last day in GR for Steve’s family.

Nancy and Alessandra headed out at 0800 for MVP.  They are going swimming.  As Nancy pointed out third day in a row.

Lucas and I drove to the Y this morning.  Lucas did some lifting. I did my normal calisthenics routine.

After our workout we headed to Panera.  Bought Lucas a cinnamon roll and smoothie.  I had coffee and a bagel. 

We had just sat down when Nancy and Alessandra arrived.  They said they had a nice swim.  We spent an hour talking with the Grandkids, especially about their school program.  Nancy and I got the impression that our grandkids are getting a good education.  Forget all the things you hear about woke schools in Ca.

At home Steve and Veronica were finishing loading their rental, a GMC Tahoe.  The vehicle was huge but was great for this trip.

They left for Chicago at 1230 EDT.  They will arrive in CA early tomorrow.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing.  Tonight we watched another episode of “The Sound”.

Warm and humid when checked Courtyard before bed.  I did scare up a cat looking around the Courtyard.

Sun and humidity continues tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2022

August 21, 2022

 Sunday August 21, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get coffee for Bob, Nancy and Steve.  

Nancy and Alessandra went swimming this morning.

I had an oatmeal breakfast and then took a 7 mile bike ride.

Lucas, Steve and Veronica slept in.

At noon we headed to Meijer’s Garden.  We took a walking tour of the facility.  The Long Beach folks were impressed.

For dinner tonight we headed to Bagger Dave’s.  Bagger Dave’s is a local hamburger restaurant less than a mile from the Condo.  Everyone agreed the food was super.

Relaxing evening at home.  Lucas and Alessandra watched some TV.  The rest of us had a pleasant evening talking.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was very humid and warm.  Nice day ahead for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 20, 2022

 Saturday August 20, 2022

Blog time 2100 on Sunday, still behind.

This morning Nancy and Alessandra went swimming at MVP.  Lucas and I drove to the Y.  Lucas lifted weights and I did my standard routine.

After we headed to Panera.  Lucas had a sweet roll and I had coffee and a baguette.  We just sat down when Alessandra and Nancy arrived.  We sat and talked.

This afternoon we all went to the Cinema.  We saw “Top Gun”.  Great movie.

We had dinner tonight at Longhorn.  I had a sirloin as did Lucas and Alessandra.  The rest had salads.

The young folks watched some TV tonight.  The adults sat and talked.  Very relaxing.

Light rain when checked Courtyard.  Rain overnight and possible showers tomorrow.

August 19, 2022

 Friday August 19, 2022

Blog time 2030, Sunday the 21.  Yes I am way behind.

Slept in until 0700.  Steve’s family slept in today until mid morning.  Jet lag.

Today was an easy day.  

Nancy and Alessandra went swimming at MVP.  Lucas and I took the day off.  Steve and Veronica also took it easy.

I did take Lucas and Alessandra to Orvis.  Bought them each an Orvis Tee.

Lunch at Yesterdog for all of us.  Yesterdog is a GR favorite for the young folks in the family.

We showed Steve and Veronica a typical two bedroom apartment at Porter Hills at Cook Valley.  They agreed it fit our needs.

Dinner tonight was at Culver’s.  Sandwiches for the young folks along with frozen custard for every one.

It was raining when I checked the Courtyard before bed.

August 18, 2022

 Thursday August 18, 2022

Blog time 1240 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0600.  Got up early because I wanted to call Stephen and see his status.  Steve answered and he was in Midway Airport, Chicago.  They were waiting for the car rental place to open at 0600 CDT.  As soon as they got the car they would head to GR.  ETA 1000.

Back to bed and slept until 0700.  Got dressed and then we started some errands.  First stop Sugar Mamma’s, Nancy bought muffins and cookies for Grandkids.

Next we stopped at Panera.  Bought a coffee and baguette for each of us.  Nancy talked with several acquaintances.  We sat down and finished our baguette.

Nancy wanted to get her hair cut.  So I dropped her off and I started errands.  Stopped at Meijer’s and filled the Escape up.  Next I stopped at home and took pills.  I was starting to shave when Nancy called and said she was done.  

Drove to Great Clips and picked Nancy up.  She looks great.

Stephen and family arrived at 1030.  Great to see them.  First thing I gave them a walking tour of the Condo and surrounding area.  

For dinner tonight we drove to Schnitz’s in downtown Ada.  We all ordered either a salad or sandwich.  After Schnitz’s we stopped at the ice cream store just down the street from Schnitz’s.  Ice cream on a warm summer’s evening is a great way to end the day.

We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and talking.  I did take a short break and took Lucas to Dick’s Sporting Goods so he could buy a baseball.

Before bed I checked the Courtyard.  I did note a skunk near the Condo.  Rain expected for tomorrow.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 17, 2022

 Wednesday August 17, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Well not really.   I played hooky from Breakfast Club.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  I did a few chin-ups, pull-ups and pushups.  Today I took the bike to Panera.  Got a bowl of oatmeal and did some reading.  

Today Nancy has a 1100 appointment with our eye doctor, Dr. Anderson.  Left Panera at 1000 to get ready for doctor appointment.  I am accompanying Nancy.

The purpose of the meeting is to determine if Nancy’s right side nerve pain might be caused by her right eye.  Dr Anderson checked Nancy over and said the eye is in perfect condition.

Nancy had 1300 PT session.   I pumped up the tires on the Bianchi and took it for an 8 mile ride.  It works fine.  I will use this bike and let one of the Grandkids use the Cannondale Bad Boy. 

Showered before a quick lunch.  It being Wednesday I started a load of laundry and took out trash and recyclables.  

As soon as Nancy got home we headed to D&W to get more supplies for Steve’s family.  Nancy spent an hour cleaning fruit.

Very light dinner.  We did watch the news.  President Biden’s new spending bill dominated the news.  I think it is a very reckless spending bill.  

Several months age the GOP was expected to regain either the House of Senate.  Now I am not sure.  The idiot Trump is leading the party to ruin.  

Tonight we watched a new season of McDonald and Dodds. It is a good show but slightly too long.  The show is set in Bath, UK a beautiful city.

Today we talked to Missy and had a FaceTime message from Debbie.  Steven left CA for Chicago’s Midway late last night.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Moon light and warm temps.  No critters were seen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 16, 2022

Tuesday August 16, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out the slider door and observed two big bucks with full racks.  Sure sign of fall.  Another sign are the number of acorns that cover the bike trail.

Completed standard morning at home routine before biking to Y.  

Nancy to MVP for treadmill and stationary bike.

Bike miles to Y.  5 miles

The Y was empty.  Calisthenics and short walk on indoor track before heading to Panera.

At Panera Coffee and baguette.  Read morning papers.  Panera has been having staffing problems.  It will get worse when next week the seasonal employees must go back to school.  Panera will lose 9.  A major loss.

Bike miles today, 10.4.  At home quick lunch and then Nancy and I started errands.  First stop Talbots.  Nancy returned a pair of pants.  Next we stopped at Meijer’s.  Steve and family are coming Thursday so we had to get supplies. 

For dinner we walked to Leo’s Coney Island for hot dogs.  Tuesday at Leos has been a favorite.

Tonight we watched the news.  We also watched the last episode of “No Offence”. Great show.

It was 70 when checked Courtyard before Bed.  Spotted no critters.  Warm sunny weather continues tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 15, 2022

 Monday August 15, 2022

Blog time 1218 sitting in Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Bright sun pouring through the slider window.  Temp was 61.

Nancy had a tough night.  Nerves in her foot were acting up.  Late this afternoon we have an appointment with GP.  Hope he gets Nancy lined up with a neurologist.

Nancy left before me.  She is heading for her morning swim at MVP.  I did my morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Pumped up bike tires and headed to the Y.

Today is VJ Day.  On this date in 1945 the Japanese surrendered ending WW II.  I remember the day well.

My Dad was City Manager of Alpena.  He had to inspect some projects and he asked me to ride along.  Early afternoon we had stopped to look at a project when all the cities church bells went off.  It was a big noise and scared me.  The Fire Chief , Tanke  McKim, happened to be driving by and Dad stopped him to ask why the bells were ringing.  He said that the Japanese had surrendered.  No mention of VJ Day on any of the news outlets I read.

After the Y I biked to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a bagel.  Read the Detroit and Alpena News.  

Several small town items in the Alpena New caught my eye.  The City Council wants to have a controlled hunt to reduce the number of Canadian Geese.  The geese are very dirty and are a real nuisance.

They are also debating getting rid of Mute Swams.  These swans are not native to the area.  They have pushed out the native Trumpeter swans.  

At home I showered and shaved before fixing lunch.  Nancy this afternoon had a PT session.

At 1530 we left home for a meeting with Dr. Hazel.  Dr Hazel was a partner of our retired GP Dave Kutsche.

We explained to Dr Hazel, Nancy’s problem with nerve pain in her forehead.  Dr Haze seemed to understand Nancy’s problem and agreed an appointment with a neurologist should be our #1 priority.  He promised to make an effort to get an appointment.  I left the meeting feeling better.  

We had a very light dinner.  Watched the news and then the final episode of “No Offence”.  We liked this show.

Checked Courtyard before and no surprises.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

Monday, August 15, 2022

August 14, 2022

 Sunday August 14, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  It was drizzling with temps in mid 50s.

We did not attend church today.  The cold and drizzle discouraged us from attending an outdoor service.

Today was a quiet day.  Except for a quick trip to Meijer’s we stayed inside all day.

Nancy spent a lot of time gathering up small antiques.  She numbers each one and puts them on kitchen table.  I video the items on the table and send the video to the kids.  Through a complicated process the kids pick what they want.  No big fights yet.

I took a long nap.  Spent the rest of the afternoon reading the papers and skylarking.

We had a very light dinner.  After dinner Nancy and I took a short walk.  We did spot a deer watching us from his hiding place across Tahoe from the Condo. 

Tonight we FaceTimed  with Debbie and Missy.  We brought both up to date on our activities.

Tonight we watched another episode of “No Offence “.  Checked the Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 60s.  Looks like next week will be dry.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

August 13, 2022

 Saturday August 13, 2022

Blog time 1715 sitting in downstairs office.

Up at 0700.  It was raining hard with temps in 50s.  Looks like an all day rain.  

My Grandmother Scott had a way to tell if it would rain all day.  If the chickens headed for shelter when it started raining, the rain would be of short duration.

It the chickens stayed out it was a sure sign it would be an all day rain.  The chickens had to eat so they decided to get wet.

Today as usual for a Saturday we headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  We arrived at 0800 and the place was starting to fill up.

We ordered our usual. Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with an egg for me.  

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Panera to get our free coffee.  

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I did some cleanup and then at 1000 I drove to Grand Rapids Bike on Fulton. I am interested in a steel bike with 8 speed internal hub and plastic chain.  A low maintenance bike for an old guy.

At home Nancy joined me on a trip to Breton Village.  Nancy stopped at Talbot’s and bought 2 pair of pants.  

After Talbots we stopped at Breton Village D&W.  I bought mini Naan and because it is the 13th I bought two lottery tickets.  Nancy purchased salad mix.  At home Nancy resumed the laundry.  

After a light lunch I took a nap.  Actually I slept 2 hours.

It is now 1730 and it is still raining hard.  Area flooding might be a problem.  It has rained steady all day.  Eat your heart out you folks in CA.

Tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  The soup was made in the old Onion Crock kitchen.  It was not very good.

Tonight we watched another episode on “No Offence”.  We like this show.  We will watch the season ending show on Sunday.

Light drizzle when checked Courtyard before turning in.  The weather man said today was the coldest August 13 on record.  

Saturday, August 13, 2022

August 12, 2022

 Friday August 12, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Turned off alarm, unlocked garage and backed out Nancy’s car.  The sun was out and we had a clear blue sky.  It was cool, 52.  Long pants today.

Nancy headed out for her Friday swim at MVP.  Before leaving she completed today’s Wordel quiz.  She loves beating Missy and Debbie.

Nancy has her book club today.  It is at Mary Namey’s.  Nancy will lead the discussion.

I always know when it is Friday because I am out of gas when finish calisthenics.  Need two days to recuperate.  

After early at home routine I biked to the Y.  My hip is feeling much better so today I added a mile. 11 miles total for day.

Both the Y and Panera were empty.  At Panera I ordered blueberry bagel and coffee.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.

Today Nancy has Book Club.  Mary Namey is the host,

This afternoon I wrote my monthly letter to the Grandkids.  Also got a Monday appointment for Nancy to meet with our new GP.  Our goal is to get Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  Her head pain is bad.

Finished the afternoon with a walk to the mailbox to post the notes to Grandkids.  For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s and each had a frozen custard.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched a episode of “No Offence”.  Great show.  Manchester, UK must be a tough city.

Checked Courtyard before bed and noted a bright full moon.  However, it will start raining about 0300 and rain all day tomorrow.

Friday, August 12, 2022

August 11, 2022

 Busy day today.  Up at 0700.  Normal morning activities, calisthenics, oatmeal and bike to Y.  Ended up at Panera.  Left Panera at 1130.  Total miles 9.5

Kim is cleaning today.  I got home just as she finished cleaning the master bath.  I showered and dressed.

Today Nancy and I are meeting with her Dentist.  Nancy has been having some bad nerve pain located near her recently worked on lower back teeth.  The Dentist explained, to my satisfaction, that the pain is not connected to any recent dental work.

Tomorrow we will try and get our GP who we have not met to schedule an appointment with a neurologist.  Our recent experience with the medical profession has not been warm and fuzzy.

Got home from Dentist at 1500.  I had a very late lunch.

Nancy spent the rest of the afternoon arranging her small antique crystal dishes and porcelain figurines.  We will take a video and let the kids decide what they want.

Very light dinner tonight.  We must be in the dog days of summer because not much on news.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway on BritBox.  It was very entertaining, B+.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright full moon.  Is it too early for a Harvest Moon?

Tomorrow will be another sunny day.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

August 10, 2022

Wednesday August 10, 2022

Up this morning at 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

Performed my entire calisthenics routine at home but only at 50%.  Today was another warm sunny day.  We have had a great August weatherwise.  

Put on bike clothes and rode 4 miles to Panera.  I have a number of freebies at Panera.  I ordered oatmeal, bagel and coffee and it did not cost a dime.  After breakfast I continued my bike ride.  Total miles today 10.5.

Quick shower and then Nancy and I sorted the glassware that is going to the kids.  The movers we just hired will box up these items and mail to kids.

This afternoon I did my typical afternoon chores, load of laundry, and gathered up trash.  I found time for a short nap.

Before moving to Porter Hills we must sell our Condo.  At 1630 two realtors arrived for an interview.  The interview went well and we hired them.   So we now have on our team the realtors and movers we hired on Monday.

We had a light dinner.  Watched the news and after dinner I took a short walk.

Tonight we watched Mr and Mrs Murder.  We gave the show a C-.  

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The last two evenings I have encountered several tiny green toads on the walk.  

Bright full moon tonight.  More nice weather tomorrow.

I failed to mention that we have two Sand Hill Cranes that are living in our back yard.  They move around a small 100 yard area at the edge of the woods.  I think they sleep in the woods.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

August 9, 2022

 Tuesday August 9, 2022

Blog time 1900 sitting in den.

Set alarm before bed for 0700.  Today Nancy is driving Mary Namey to a doctor’s appointment.  She is having minor eye surgery.

I get up at 0715.  At home calisthenics followed by breakfast.  It was sunny and 72 when I got on bike and pedaled to the Y, 5 miles.  Once again the Y was empty.

After Y biked to Panera.  Read Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 10.5.

At home shower and shave before lunch.  At 1515 I headed out to a doctor’s appointment.  Today I am meeting with Dr Santo of St Mary’s Neuro Ophthalmology unit.  He is handling my MG.  

Dr Santos reviewed my 12 month history.  Everything seems to be going well.  He did recommend that I might try reducing the number of pills I take.

Being Tuesday Nancy and I walked to Leo’s Coney Island for our weekly hot dogs.  Two for me and one for Nancy.

At home we watched an Australian show on Acorn whose name escapes me.  However we gave it a B+.

Bright full moon when I checked the Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be a warm sunny day.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 8, 2022

 Monday August 8, 2022

Blog time 1030 at Panera 

This morning I wanted to get up at 0645.  Overslept by 30 minutes.

Busy day today.  We have a mover stopping by at 1100.  Later today the real estate folks might stop by.  

The weather app calls for rain most of the day.  So no bike at least this morning.

Performed my morning routine before a breakfast of micro waved oatmeal.  Lately I have been putting five dried prunes on this oatmeal.  It provides some sweetness.

Today I took the Fusion to the Y.  The Y was nearly empty.  Folks must be on vacation.  After the workout I took a shower.  Dressed and drove to Panera.  It was still raining.  Read the local papers before heading home.  Today we are meeting with Senior Movers at 1100.  The movers arrived at exactly 1100.  We discussed the move and what service they can provide.  I was impressed that they can make a painless move.  We will hire them.

Had several talks with the real estate folks.  Will meet some time later this week.

At noon I checked my weather app and the rain had stopped.  Took a nine mile ride. 

After shower I took a short nap.  For dinner tonight I had cheerios with blueberries and toast.

Today is my sister, Helen’s  birthday.  We FaceTimed Helen this afternoon and wished her Happy Birthday.  Helen was in good spirits.  Also FaceTimed with Debbie.

We watched the news followed by Crownies on Acorn, good episode.  Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was quiet with no critters seen.  Tomorrow will be a nice sunny day with temps below 80.  

Monday, August 8, 2022

August 7, 2022

 Sunday August 7, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700. Temp in high 70s with 90% humidity. 

Got out the Fusion and drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  I had an oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  Small crowd today.

After church we took a ride on Kalamazoo Ave south to Barry County and then east to Caledonia before heading home.  The hour ride was pleasant.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8 mile ride.  It was hot and humid which might be the reason I never saw another rider.

At home I helped Nancy make a video of some old glassware she is planning to give to kids.  They will decide what they want through some complicated selection process which is a mystery to me.

Quick lunch and then a shower.  Took a short nap.

Spent some time this afternoon measuring furniture we want to take with us on our move to Porter Hills.  Tomorrow a mover is coming over.  We will interview them and see if we want to retain them.

For dinner tonight tonight we will finish last night’s pizza.  We will watch the news and 60 Minutes before switching to one of our streaming services.

Tonight we switched to BritBox and watched “Murder in Paradise”.  It was not very good.  Gave it a C-.

Hot and humid when checked Courtyard before bed.  Sid the cottontail was waiting for me.  He is a regular.  Temp will remain in 70s all night.  So will leave AC on all night.  

Rain tonight and all day tomorrow.  

Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 6, 2022

 Saturday August 6, 2022

Blog time 1730 on Sunday sitting in living room.

Up early this morning at 0630.  It was hot and humid when unlocked garage door.

Quickly dressed and drove to Gathering Place.  We arrived at 0715 which is early for us.  We ordered our usual.  Oatmeal and scrambled egg for me and western omelette for Nancy.  The place was empty.  Left at 0800.

We headed straight home to change clothes.  This morning we are attending a memorial service for Mary Kozera.  Mary was the mother of Steve Kozera.  Steve is a good friend of daughter, Missy.

The service was held at the Wyoming Episcopal Church.  We had the opportunity to talk with Steve and his younger brother Phil.  Also attending the service was Jim Walters a teacher at Ottawa Hills Hs.  Jim had both Kozera brothers and Missy in Social Studies.  We also met our old neighbors the Vines.  The Vine’s twins were on the OHHS swim team with the Kozera brothers.  Nancy and I were glad we had the opportunity to met the Kozera brothers and wish them well.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 9 mile bike ride. It was very hot and humid on the ride.  Took a quick shower as soon as I got home.

Lunch and then a short nap.  Spent the afternoon reading the papers and writing blog.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Thornapple Brewery.  The brewery is less than a mile from the house.  

Despite being 90 degrees we sat outside in the shade of course.  We split a 12” pizza.  I had a 16 once beer.  Very pleasant evening.

At home we watched an episode of Vera on BritBox.  Missy called this evening and we had a nice talk.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  Turned on AC before turning.  Another hot humid tomorrow.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

August 5, 2022

 Friday August 5, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera.

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  Stepped out side and was hit with a blast of humid air.  Humidity was 95%, temperature was 72.  High temp today 88.  No rain.

Nancy left for her swim at 0815.  I did the at home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Will I ever tire of oatmeal?

Rode bike to Y, 4 miles.  Folks must be on 4 day schedule because Y was empty.  Calisthenics and short walk.  Y routine take 30 minutes.  Biked to Panera.

Panera was empty.  Must also be on the 4 day routine. Finished blog and read the Michigan papers.  I have completely lost interest in the news, especially political.  The idiots have won. Total bike miles today 7.5.

At home, shower and quick lunch.  Nancy and I made a run to Total Wines.  In this warm weather I like chilled Riesling especially dry Riesling.  I bought three bottles of Grand Traverse Riesling.  A Michigan winery.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Also some toast and blueberries.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Spent some time talking about our upcoming move.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Murder in Suburbia”.  Gave it a C.

Hot and humid when checked Courtyard before bed.  I will leave the AC on all night.

Friday, August 5, 2022

August 4, 2022

 Thursday August 4, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in den

Up at 0700,  checked outside and it was cloudy and very humid.  Temperature in low 70s.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill and stationary bike day.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and pedaled to the Y.  High school kids still working out hard.  They are getting ready for fall sports.

In 1955 I had a different routine to get ready for football season.  My Grandfather Scott raised beef cattle and he had a large barn that was full of manure.  The manure was about 3 feet thick.  Normally my Uncle would use a front end loader to clean the barn but he was laid up with a bad back.  

I volunteered.  For two weeks after a big breakfast fixed by my Grandmother I would drive the manure spreader to the barn and take the manure fork and fill spreader up.  I would take the full spreader to a designated field and spread it.  Worked about nine hours with a break for lunch.  

With the hard work and Grandmother’s cooking I put on 7 pounds of muscle.

After a shower, Grandma insisted, had a big dinner and then took a 4 mile walk around the block. Was my routine of shoveling shit better than the kids at the Y lifting weights.

Left Panera at 1130 because the window washers were coming at noon.  Surprise! they arrived early and Nancy got then started.  Great to have clean windows.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to Macatawa Bank.  We took photos on items in our lock box.

After Macatawa we drove to Staples.  Nancy bought colored stickers and I bought graph paper.  Dropped Nancy off and headed to Meijer’s for gas.  Gas was $3.90.

Also bought ginger ale, prune juice, cookies and yogurt.

August 4 is my best childhood friend Tommy Collins’s birthday.  Tommy lives in Ca.  He was not home.  His wife said Tommy was drinking beer with his buddies.  Appropriate for an Alpena native.

For dinner Nancy fixed pasta with great sauce.  After dinner we took a short walk.

We watched the last episode of season 5 of Shetland.  Previously we had watched season 6.  Season 7 will start August 10.  

I have been checking the weather in Shetland. This August high temps in 50s.  It rains almost every day.  What is the attraction?

Checked Courtyard before bed. Still hot and humid but the half moon was bright.  We have had the AC running most of the day.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 3, 2022

 Wednesday August 3, 2022

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  up with 0530 alarm.  Checked outside it was very warm and humid.  Rain predicted for most of day.

We had to park the Escape outside on the lawn last night because our drive was paved and we had to stay off the surface for 24 hrs.  The Fusion was in the garage.

On my way downtown I stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  I was surprised traffic on the freeway was very light.

Light turnout at BC today.  We had a great speaker today talking about what is a “moral person”.  The topic generated at lot of conversation.

After BC I headed straight home.  I promised Nancy I would be home before 0900.  Made it my 2 minutes.

Nancy took the Escape and headed to MVP for her morning swim.  I put on bike clothes and headed out on my morning ride.  Four miles into the ride it started to pour.  I was soaked when I got home.  Took a warm shower.

Today I had an early lunch.  At 1230 Nancy headed to her PT session.  I took a short nap.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry and gathered up trash and recyclables.  I could not take down to curb because the drive was still roped off.

For dinner I had cheerios with blueberries.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.  We watched the news tonight expecting a big story on Congressman Meijer’s defeat.  The story was muted.  

I headed out at 1900 to put trash cans on grass.  Surprise, the tape blocking the driveway had been removed.  The drive looks good.

We had a long FaceTime talk with Debbie tonight.  I had forgotten that we had talked to Debbie and Missy on Monday.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shetland.  One more left in season 5.  I think we get a new series on the 10th.

Checked the Courtyard at 2200.  It was warm, dark and humid. I did almost step on a small toad on our walk.  First toad I have seen this year.

Every afternoon after lunch we have had two Sand Hill Cranes feeding in our backyard.  Beautiful bird.


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August 2, 2022

 Tuesday August 2, 2022

Blog time 2115, sitting in den.

Up at 0545.  Turned off alarm.  Checked Escape which was parked outside last night because of driveway  pavement work.  Everything ok.

Returned to bed and slept in until 0730.  Finally a good nights sleep.

Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill and stationary bike.  Performed morning exercises before breakfast.  This morning I biked the 4.5 miles to Y.  

The Y was jammed with high school kids.  I bet most of the guys were over 6 foot and 200#.  My senior year in high school I was 5’8” and 150 pounds.  I was a statically average 18 year old male.  What happened?  Can it all be pizza and peanut butter?

After Y pedaled to Panera.  As usual it was cold and empty.  Ordered coffee and baguette before reading WSJ on my mini-iPad.  The mini is very light compared to the iPad Pro so it has become my go to device to put in backpack.

Left Panera at 1200 and headed home.  Total bike miles 9.5.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After lunch we headed to Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought a big container of mini naan.

At home I continued my daily reading.  Today is primary Election Day in Mich.  The big election in our area is for congress.  Our present Rep, Peter Meijer, is facing stiff opposition from a Trump supporter named Gibbs.  Gibbs has lived in the district for only several months.  A true carpet Bagger.

Meijer’s is on Trump’s hate list because he voted to impeach the jerk.  I cannot figure why someone would vote for an outsider, like Gibbs.

This afternoon Granddaughter Alessandra called Nancy.  They had a nice long talk.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Leo’s for hot dogs and fries.  It was a pleasant evening for a walk.  The hot dogs also good.

Got home too late for the news.  We watched an episode of Shetland.

It was pitch black when checked the courtyard at 2200.  No critters were seen.  Rain tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

August 1, 2022

Monday August 1, 2022

Blog time 1500 sitting in living room.

Some time today our driveway will be given a new bituminous seal.  Got up at 0645 and moved Nancy’s car out of garage.  Went back to bed and slept until 0730.

Nancy left early for her Monday MVP swim.

My weather app said it will be raining when I leave for Y.  I dressed appropriately.  Calisthenics followed by breakfast.  Put on my street clothes and headed out to car.  The sun was out so I quickly changed clothes and biked to Y.  I did not want to take the car because when the seal coat is applied today we can not use our drive for several days.  I did not want two cars parked outside.

It was warm and very humid on the ride.  The Y was crowded with a lot of high school age kids.  They must be getting ready for fall sports.  

After the Y, pedaled to Panera. As usual the place was very cold.

Afternoon activities:

Nancy is still having problems opening her LMCU account on her iPad.  The nice lady at the LMCU said that the account was locked.  A locked account happens when two attempts to open the account fails.  She unlocked the account and explained to Nancy how to unlock in the future.

We made a trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and I replenished my supplies.

Nancy had her PT class this afternoon.  While she was at the class I took a nap.

For dinner tonight we finished the food Helen brought last week.  It was tasty.

Tonight we watched another episode of Shetland.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and all was well.  Another sunny day tomorrow. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

July 31, 2022

 Sunday July 31, 2022

Good Grief the last day of July, summer is almost over.

Up this morning at 0730.  Drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  Bright sun with high temp today of 84.  Fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good crowd at church today.  Pastor Bob gave a fine Homily.

We took a short ride after church.  Noted that the corn is now tasseled out.  

Got home about noon.  I put on bike clothes and took a 10.5 mile ride.  Longest ride since the hip surgery.  My hip felt good.  

At home quick lunch before shower and nap.

Scott family update:

Missy and AJ are visiting Debbie in San Jose this weekend.

Steve called and said his family will visit GR on August 19.  They are staying for several day and will leave on Monday, 22 August.

Most of the news in Michigan papers is about the August 2 primary.  I sure hope most of Trump’s endorsed candidates get beat, especially in our congressional district.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed fried eggs on toast.  Also had blueberries and cantaloupe.  

We did not watch any TV news tonight.  At 2000 we switched to BritBox and watched episode 2, season 5 of  Shetland.  I put a visit to Shetland on my Bucket list.

It was dark and humid when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Did not see any critters.  Rain expected later this evening.