Monday, January 31, 2022

January 30, 2022

 Weekend Update for week ending Sunday January 30

Blog being written on Monday January 31 at 1100 sitting in Debbie’s Kitchen in SJ, Ca

Saturday morning Nancy and I walked to Bill’s Cafe on Willow for breakfast.  Bill’s is very popular and Debbie said we would have to wait for a seat.

It was cold, 37, so folks did not want to sit outside even if they had propane heaters.  We decided to sit outside.  The heaters worked fine.

I had eggs, corn beef hash, hash browns and sourdough toast.  Nancy had eggs, bacon and toast.  It was very good.

Found time this afternoon for a short bike ride.

We had a light dinner.  Our evening viewing was an episode Vera.


Fixed oatmeal at home.  Walked to Yum Yum and got donuts for Debbie and coffee for Bob and Nancy.  The folks at Yum Yum put coffee in a carrier so the walk home was easy.

We did make a trip to strip mall to buy wine and yogurt.

No bike ride today.  Took several walks with Violet.  

Watched both football games.  I wanted SF to win.

Light dinner and then watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery” on Acorn.

January 28, 2022

 Friday January 28, 2022


I wrote Missy that I remember vividly her birth.  We were living in Ann Arbor, Mi.  It was a Sunday morning and Nancy said we had to get to hospital, NOW.

We left for hospital in heavy snow.  The heater and wipers on the VW Bug did not work.  Drove with window open.  Nancy kept telling me to hurry.  We arrived at hospital emergency entrance and Nancy was immediately wheeled into the delivery room.

I parked the car and when I arrived at the Delivery room, Nancy had already given birth.  The things you remember!

Friday’s blog continues 

Up this morning at 0700.  Debbie had already taken Violet for her morning walk.  It was a cold 37 this morning.  It is now 1100 and the temp is up to 54.

First thing I fixed a bowl of microwave oatmeal with banana.  It was tasty.  Walked to Starbucks for a coffee and scone.  Spent some time reading emails, etc.

After Starbucks I walked across the street to YumYum and got glazed donuts for Debbie and a coffee for Nancy.

At home we drove to Walmart.  Replenished our supply of yogurt, popsicles and ice cream sandwiches.  

At 1400 I took a 9.6 mile bike walk.  It was warm, high 60s, and sunny.

Showered and dressed for dinner. Tonight we had dinner at “Lazy Dogs” in Cupertino.  I had a club sandwich, Nancy had a cheese burger and Debbie had a sweet and spicy chicken bowl.  We sat out side under a heater.  Great dinner.

At home we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”. Good show.  We were in bed by 2200.

Friday, January 28, 2022

January 27, 2022

 Thursday January 27, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

This morning we got with alarm set for 0630.  Debbie started work at 0600 and is booked until noon.  

Nancy and I took Violet for her morning walk, a distance of 2 miles.  Same distance Debbie walks each morning.

At home I grabbed my mini iPad and walked to Starbucks.  Ordered oatmeal but was told they had no spoons.  So I walked across the street to Yum Yum Donuts and ordered their oatmeal and a donut.  The oatmeal was awful. Before heading for home I got glazed donuts for Debbie and coffee for Nancy.

Today Nancy and I drove to Walmart to resupply our snacks and chips.  Quick lunch and then headed out on a 10.8 mile bike ride.  Once again I took the Los Gatos Creek Bike trail.  Light bike and pedestrian traffic on the trail.

E bike are very popular.  Most riders use the electric mode.  I see very few pedaling the bike.  I think these bikes should be banned on Pedestrian and bike trails.

Before dinner tonight Debbie and I took Violet on her evening walk.  The temperature was 62. 

For dinner I had a chicken sandwich with blueberries.  Nancy also had a chicken sandwich.  Debbie fixed herself a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Watched the news, Jeopardy and then switched to Acorn and watched an episode of “Republic of Doyle”.  

This and that:

Does anyone understand the USA position on Ukraine?

Noted that Californians are very good about wearing masks inside stores and restaurants.

It has been super cold in Michigan.  Sure glad we are in Ca.

Courts continue to stop construction of natural gas lines.  These actions will result in higher energy costs impacting poor families.

The San Francisco TV news is dominated by Sunday’s 49er/Rams game.


Thursday, January 27, 2022

January 26, 2022

 Wednesday January 26, 2022

Blog time 1030 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen.

Slept in this morning until 0700.  First thing I do is check the weather in SJ vs GR,  43 vs 15.  It was snowing in GR.

Dressed and walked to Starbucks for oatmeal and coffee.  After reading the news I walked across the street to Yum Yum Donuts to get two chocolate covered glazed donuts for Debbie and a coffee for Nancy. 

Nancy and I made a quick trip to the Westfield Valley Mall.  I was looking for sweat pants and heavy sweat shirt.  No luck.  Nancy also came up empty handed.  

Lunch and then a short walk with Violet.  The afternoon temps reached mid 60s.  Today is my easy Wednesday so no bike ride.

Debbie took Violet for her evening walk.  I joined them.

Dinner tonight was light.  I had Cheerios with blueberries along with sourdough toast with peanut butter.  Nancy had toast.  Debbie had chicken and rice.

Tonight after the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

Temperature will drop to mid 30s this evening.  

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

January 25, 2022

 Tuesday January 25, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

Up this morning at 0700.

Debbie’s day started with a 0600 meeting.

Nancy and I took Violet on a 1.5 mile walk.

I walked to Starbucks for an oatmeal breakfast, 0.33 miles.  Starbucks has a steady stream of customers but no one stays.

After breakfast and some iPad reading I walked across the street to YumYum donuts.  Bought two glazed chocolate donuts for Debbie and a coffee for Nancy.

At home I took Violet on a short walk around the neighborhood.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Trader Joe’s.  We bought a package of frozen mandarin orange chicken for dinner tonight and crackers, nothing else.

At 1400 put on bike clothes and headed out on a 11 mile ride along the Los Gatos Creek trail.  Not much traffic today.  

I did see some folks fishing in the Creek.  I don’t think the creek has any trophy fish.

Noted a lot of waterfowl in the creek.  The Canadian Geese seem larger than Michigan’s geese.  Is it Diet?  Not much available food for Mi geese in winter.  

Also saw several large turtles getting afternoon sun.  They area has many grey squirrels.

Shaved and showered before dinner.  Tonight Debbie and Nancy fixed the Trader Joe’s chicken with rice.  It was very good.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of “True Lies”.  Not very good.

Every night we have had clear skies.  The moon is bright but low in the sky so we don’t see it until morning.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 24, 2022

 Monday January 24, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

Our alarm went off at 0500.  Alessandra has an early morning flight to Long Beach.  She will arrive in Long Beach at 0820.  Stephen will meet her and drive her to school.  Good grief a 360 mile commute to school.  Checkin and the flight went off without a hitch.

Today is a work day for Debbie.  She starts with a 0700 meeting.

Nancy and I took Violet on a 1.5 mile walk.  It was still dark when we started our walk.  Sunrise today was 0715.  It was also very cold, 38.  Mittens were needed.

After the walk.  Nancy and I drove to Walmart to replenish our snack supply.  Walmart was not crowded.

I spent some time doing my morning reading.  Lunch and then at 1400 I took a 10 mile bike ride.  The temperatures had risen to low 60s.  Another beautiful day for a ride.  The trail was not crowded.

It being Monday we had a very light dinner.  We watched the news and then Jeopardy.  

Our streaming show tonight was Vera.  We all like this show.  We were in bed by 2200.

Monday, January 24, 2022

January 23, 2022

 Sunday January 23, 2022

Blog time 1230 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen

Nancy and I were first up this morning at 0700.  Debbie and Alessandra were still sleeping.

Nancy and I took Violet for a 1.5 mile walk.  It was sunny but a cool 38 when we started out.  An hour later the temp was near 50. 

Promised this morning I was going to buy donuts for everyone.  When I tried to start Debbie’s car the ignition was frozen.  

Debbie called her insurance company.  They sent out a service man.  Just jiggling the steering wheel and turning key got car started.

While Debbie was working on her car problem Nancy and I walked to Yum Yum donuts.  Purchased donuts for everyone and coffees for Bob and Nancy.

This and that:

California is very bicycle friendly.  SJ have marked bike lanes on all busy streets.

California drivers also are respectful of pedestrians and bikers.

In SJ the size of the recycle bin is 64 gallons and the trash bin is 35 gallons.  In GR the recycle bin is 35 gallons and trash is 64 gallons.  Who is greener?

Gas prices and groceries are more expensive in Ca.

More Tesla sedans in SJ than either Ford or Chevy.

At 1416 I took an 11 mile bike ride.  Average heart rate, 106 BPM, average speed 7.6 mph.  About the same as in MI.

For dinner tonight Alessandra wanted for her last meal in SJ pizza.  Debbie drove to Domino’s to get the pizza.  It was very good.

Tonight we watched the last half of “Hamilton”.  Everyone liked the play.

We have to get up early tomorrow, 0500, to get Alessandra to airport.  Everyone in bed by 2130.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 22, 2022

 Saturday January 21, 2022

Blog time 1130 on Sunday sitting outside on Debbies patio, eat your heart out folks in Midwest.

Up Saturday morning at 0630.  Nancy, Alessandra and I walked to Yum Yum Donuts for breakfast. A distance of 0.4 mile.

Nancy had a glazed donut, Alessandra had two coconut glazed and I had two fried cakes.  Alessandra had a milk while Nancy and I drank coffee.  

We ate our donuts and talked for 45 minutes.  Yum Yum Donuts is very popular.  We noted a steady stream of customers.

After we got home I put on bike clothes and took a 12 mile bike ride.  Once again a perfect day with sun and temps in high 50s. The trail was crowded with weekend family traffic.

Showered and shaved at home.  I had a yogurt for lunch.

The girls had lunch at ToGo.  After lunch they visited a store called Ulta.  Alessandra was the only one to make a purchase.  

I did find time today to finish yesterday’s blog and do some light reading.  Watched the end of the Bengals/Titans game.  Very exciting.

For dinner tonight Debbie drove us to a popular sandwich shop in Santa Clara called the Grub Burger Bar.  Debbie’s friend Gina joined us. 

The main seating area was jammed with folks watching the San Francisco vs Green Bay game.  However, no TV in outside seating area so we did not have to wait for a seat.  Food was good. 

At home watched the first half of the stage play “Hamilton”.  Everyone all liked the show. 

We headed to bed at 2230.  Another great day in SJ. 


Saturday, January 22, 2022

January 21, 2022

Friday January 21, 2022

Blog time 0930 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen. 

Up this morning at 0600.  Hearing Debbie’s alarm gets me up.

Today Debbie’s cleaning crew is coming at 1000.  Spent some time picking up before walking to Starbucks.

At Starbucks ordered coffee, oatmeal and bagel.  Starbucks was jumping with folks grabbing a coffee on way to work.  I was the only one to sit down and read.  

Walked home from Panera and immediately put on bike clothes.  Headed out on a 12 mile ride on Los Gatos Creek trail.  I was surprised that the trial was not crowded on a beautiful sunny day with temperature in low 60s.

At home I grabbed a mask and then pedaled to nearby bike store to look for a bike lock.  I did not find one that suited my needs.  Continued riding.  Pedaled east on Willow to Lincoln and then north on Lincoln through the community of Willow Glen. Came home via Minnesota to Debbie’s.  

At home showered and had quick lunch.  Nancy and I drove to Costco to get a rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight.

I found time for a quick nap.  After Debbie and I took Debbie’s dog Violet for a short walk.  

At 1730 we all drove to San Jose airport to pick up Granddaughter Alessandra who is flying in from Long Beach.  

Alessandra’s flight was on time.  I was surprised how tall Alessandra had gotten since we last saw her in June 2021.  She is now as tall as Nancy.

For dinner tonight we had the rotisserie chicken with baked potatoes and a salad.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  After the show everyone headed to bed.  It has been a long day.


Friday, January 21, 2022

January 20, 2022

 Thursday January 20, 2022

Blog time 0900 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen.

Up this morning at 0600.  Dressed, grabbed my iPad and walked to Starbucks, a distance of 0.33 miles.

Ordered coffee, oatmeal and a bagel.  Unlike yesterday Starbucks was very crowded this morning.  Folks heading to work grabbing a quick coffee.

Ate my breakfast before reading emails, the Alpena News and Apple News.  Starbucks was very noisy and busy so I grabbed a coffee for Nancy and headed home.

This morning Nancy took a 3 mile walk.  She finished her walk just as I arrived from Starbucks. 

Today is a work day for Debbie.  We try to stay out of her way.

At 1100 I took a 10 mile bike ride along the Los Gatos Creek trail.  Once again the trail was busy.  

At home I showered and shaved before a quick lunch.  This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Valley Fair Mall. I bought a pair of PJ’s at Macy’s.  Nancy came up empty handed.

Light fare for dinner tonight.  Sourdough toast with peanut butter and blueberries.  

I accompanied Debbie and Violet on their evening walk of 1 mile.  Pleasant evening for a walk.  We encountered several of Debbie’s neighbors also walking their dogs.  

After watching the news and Jeopardy we switched to BritBox.  We continued watching “A Confession”. 

We were in bed by by 2130.  It was a great day.  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

January 19, 2022

 Wednesday January 19, 2022

Blog time 0600 sitting at Starbucks, corner Willow and Meridan in San Jose, Ca.

Jet lag must have set in because I was up at 0500.  Did my morning chores and then at 0545 grabbed my iPad and walked to Starbucks.  Starbucks is a short walk from Debbies.

It was 45 degrees, no wind and dry pavements.  Sunrise in SJ 0656, 10h of daylight.  Compared to 0807, 9h32’ in GR.

I thought Starbucks probably opened at 0600 but I was wrong they open at 0500.  Ordered oatmeal and a bagel and of course a coffee.  Sat down ate breakfast and then checked email and read news before starting some blog writing.

Bought Nancy a coffee and headed home.  This morning Nancy and I took Debbie’s dog Violet on a mile walk.  

Continued reading until the temperature reached 50s.  It was noon and I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  

Debbie’s home is very close to the Los Gatos Creek Trail.  As the name implies the trail runs along the creek.  It is paved and wide.  A lot of bikers and hikers were on the trail today.

First time in weeks I have been able to bike.  Biking is my only aerobic exercise without hip pain.  

After the ride took a nice hot shower before a yogurt lunch.  This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Walgreen’s and bought some supplies.  I even found time for a short nap.

Before dinner I joined Debbie and Violet on their evening walk.  For dinner tonight Debbie fixed pasta with tomato sauce.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to BritBox.  We watched episode 2 of “The Confession”.

Nancy and I were in bed by 2130.  It was a transitional day.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We had a nice talk.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January 18, 2022

Tuesday January 18, 2022

Today is our big travel day.

Up with alarm at 0535.  Fixed oatmeal breakfast and completed other morning chores.

We ordered a cab from Metro Cab.  I was apprehensive because the pandemic had created staff shortages at Cab companies.  

I should not have worried.  Cab arrived exactly on schedule, 0700.  Nice clean cab and pleasant driver.  We checked in with no problem.

The flight to Denver and then on to San Jose went off smoothly.  Debbie met us at San Jose.  The drive from airport to Debbies house is about ten minutes.

Debbie has a nice home in the Willow Glen neighborhood of SJ.  We’re met at Debbie’s by her special dog Violet. 

After unpacking Nancy and I took Violet on a short walk.  We needed to get our land legs back.  Nice to be able to walk on dry sidewalks.  No fear of slipping and falling on ice.

I did find time for a short nap.  

The rest of the day was spent watching news on TV and a streaming show.  I don’t know what we watched because Debbie had turned her fireplace on and the heat put me right to sleep.

Nancy and I were glad to sleep in a nice warm bed.  Travel is strenuous for us old folks.



January 17, 2022

 Monday January 17, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at 0730.  No Y or MVP for Bob or Nancy.  We are getting ready for tomorrow’s trip to San Jose.

Today is Martin Luther King day, a national holiday.  Dr King’s contributions to USA civil rights are great.  

We needed another front door key so I drove to ACE but it was closed.  Stopped at Panera to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.

I finished packing.  My biggest worry is forgetting my pills.

Brenna Bradshaw is house sitting for us.  She stopped by at 1000 for some last minute instructions from Nancy.

Finally got a new front door key made at ACE.  

Got a call from ENT, they got my message of my allergic reaction to Bactrim.  They found a substitute and sent to prescription to Meijer’s.  I picked it up after lunch.  I feel good about being able to take this medication to CA.  It is my backup if my sinus infection flares up.

Late this afternoon I put out corn for deer and filled the bird feeders to brim. This is last feeding for several weeks.

We had a light dinner of toast w/peanut butter and blueberries.

Watched some news and an episode of “New Tricks” before turning in.  

Checked Courtyard and made sure garage was locked up before bed.

Monday, January 17, 2022

January 16, 2022

Sunday January 16, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in office.

I slept in until 0800 this morning.  We decided we would not drive to church but instead watch the service on YouTube.

It was very cold this morning, 3 but sunny.  Sunrise today was at 0809.  We are now at the midpoint of winter.  Another 45 days to end of winter, Feb 28.  

I did make a quick trip to Biggby coffee to get our morning coffee.  At home I fixed a bowl of oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Church service started at 0915.  I think because of the cold weather that most folks watched the service on YouTube.  

After church Nancy and I took a short drive.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee.  It was a beautiful winter’s day.

At home I took down our Christmas wreaths and changed a light bulb in a garage outside light.  Of course I also filled the bird feeders.  Last night the deer did not eat any of yesterday’s corn. They must have been spooked.

This morning I got a phone call from my high school classmate Tom Cassell.  We talked for over an hour.  Always good to talk to Tom.

After lunch I took a short nap.  Spent the rest of afternoon packing and writing blogs.

This day in 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the morning temp was 20 with light snow falling.  The 1930 evening church service only had 12 members present.  GGF reported that Great grandmother was still in bed but feeling better.

Sad news:  yesterday GGF reported that his long suffering cow had passed.  The skin was sold to a tannery and the rest to a rendering plant.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on toast.  Also had a bowl of blueberries.

Watched the news and I was going to watch 60 Minutes but the NFL game was shown instead.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in LA.

Tonight we watched a show on Acorn call “The Gulf”.  It is a cop show filmed in New Zealand.  We gave it a B-.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 15, 2022

Saturday January 15

Blog time 1645 on Sunday Jan 16 sitting in office

Saturday Jan 15

Up this morning at 0730.  It was a cold 3 with wind chill below 0.

We dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast. We are Saturday regulars so we got our favorite seat next to the window.  

Our waitress has memorized our orders.  Western omelette with raisin toast for Nancy.  For me oatmeal with scrambled egg, raisin toast w/peanut butter.  

After breakfast we took a short ride along the frozen Thornapple River.  Dropped Nancy off at home so she could start the laundry.  I headed to Meijer’s to fill up the Escape and buy cookies and yogurt.

Today is Daughter Debbie’s birthday.  I remember her birth well. Nancy called me at my workplace in the afternoon of Jan 14.  She said that the Doctor said it was time so she should head to the hospital this evening.  I asked my hardnose boss Marvin if I could leave early.  He said yes.

Picked up Nancy and we headed to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, Ca.  Checked Nancy in and then I headed to a Grocery that cashed checks.  We did not have insurance so I needed $100.  Returned to the Hospital and paid my bill.  Good grief $100 for a birth!  Times have changed.

Debbie was born in the early hours of Jan 15.  When Nancy was  ready she was moved to the delivery room.  Fathers were not allowed.

When I first saw Nancy and Debbie the one thing that stands out was Nancy’s big smile.  It was a girl.  

At home I called all the relatives telling them that we had a pretty girl.  The things we remember.

This evening we called Debbie and wished her Happy Birthday.

The afternoon was spent:

Writing monthly note to Grandkids,

packing for our trip to Ca.  

I did find time for a nap.

For dinner we had blueberries, toast/w peanut butter and oatmeal cookies for dessert.  Watched some news.  The recent Covid outbreak dominated.

We watched an episode of Vera before turning in.  It was cold when did a courtyard check before turning in. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

January 14, 2022

 Friday January 14, 2022

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  Nancy needed to get up early because of an eye appointment at 0800.  The temperature was in low teens with wind chills in single digits.  

I did at home routine before driving to the Y.

Today I changed my routine:  wore workout clothes to Y, did my routine and then headed home for shower.

At home after the shower I grabbed my iPad and drove to Panera.  In years past I would have walked to Panera but because of my sinus infection I avoid being outside on cold days.

Nancy said her eyes are in good shape.  Doctors parting comment was see you next year.

Because of my sinus infection I have been taking an antibiotic called Bactrim.  Today I broke out in a nearly total upper body rash.  I stopped the pills.  Called the Doctor to see what Plan B should be.  No reply.

This afternoon I started packing for our upcoming trip to Ca.  I am looking forward to warmer weather and a chance to ride a bike outside.  

At 1730 Nancy and I drove to Cascade Roadhouse for dinner.  Tonight we are meeting the over 60s group from Trinity Lutheran.  22 folks were in attendance.  We spent 2.5 pleasant hours talking and eating.

AJ FaceTimed us this evening.  As soon as we got home we contacted her and had a nice conversation. 

Bob and Nancy were in bed by 2200.  I did check the Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.

Friday, January 14, 2022

January 13, 2022

 Thursday January 13, 2022

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Today we got back to our normal routine.  Up at 0700. At home calisthenics and oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for class at MVP.

Today Nancy has her Book Club starting at 1200.  The club meeting was moved to Thursday because of a members illness.

Today I started taking an antibiotic for my sinus infection.  I have used this antibiotic before and it seems to work.

Another gloomy day.  Temps will hover around 32 all day.

The number of Individuals working out at Y is small.  But the body pump and other classes are full.  

Today’s workout included calisthenics and 1.5 mile walk.  Showered and headed to Panera.

This and that:

A lot of noise from Media on Supreme Court’s decision shooting down President Biden’s mandate on masks for private companies.  However, private companies can insist that employees wear masks.  

I keep reading about stimulus checks.  We have never received a check.

Big controversy in Mich regarding Canadian Oil Company Enbridge efforts to build a tunnel under the straits of Mackinaw.  The tunnel will contain a pipeline carry petroleum products.  Our Governor and environmental groups oppose the tunnel.  Supporters say pipe lines are the safest way to transport liquids.  No resolution in sight.  

A pipeline presently runs under the straits and our Governor is trying to shut it down.  I think the tunnel is the best option as did our former Gov Snyder. 

After Panera I drove to D&W and mailed a package to Ca.  

Today is the 13th so I bought several lottery tickets.

Purchased a sub sandwich for dinner tonight.

Lunch and then filled up bird feeders.

Put out corn for deer.

Nancy said Book Club went well.

Found time for a nap.

Nancy looked out window at 1800 and saw 4 deer heading to the corn.  Something spooked them because they turned around and headed home.

At midnight I saw them feeding on the corn.

Dinner tonight was sub sandwich with blueberries and coleslaw.

Tonight we watched “Death in Paradise”.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and everything secure.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 12, 2022

 Wednesday January 12, 2022

Today should be my easy Wednesday but Nancy and I have a full schedule.

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed, fixed oatmeal and then at 0820 Nancy and I drove to Hudsonville for a 0900 meeting with our attorney Doug Brackmann.  

I had retrieved our Living Trust documents from our safe deposit box yesterday.  Doug Brackmann walked us through some items that needed updating.  All in all our estate was in pretty good order.  

Nancy and I felt pretty good about our meeting.  On the way home we stopped at Panera for our morning coffee.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I dropped her off at home and then started some errands.

Stopped at Bank to put our papers back in the Safe Deposit Box.  I kept a check list of what I need to do.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I bought a bag of bird seed.  The little critters are really hungry.

At D&W I tried to mail a package but was told USPS’s system was down.  I will check tomorrow.

At Meijer’s picked up a prescription for my sinus infection.  I was surprised that my MG Doctor Santos had sent in a prescription for my MG pills even though I was not scheduled for refill until mid Feb.  

I appreciated Dr Santos effort because if I ran out of pills while in CA getting new pills could be a hassle.  I need the pills.  Also purchased yogurt and blueberries.

At home I filled up all the bird feeders.  Also put out corn for deer.

It being Wednesday I took out trash and did a load of laundry.  I even found time for a short nap.

This afternoon at 1400 I started sister Helen’s Buick.  It fired right up despite being outside several days in super cold temps.

Drove to Airport to pick up Niece Jennifer who is flying in from AZ.  The plane was early.  Drove back home and Jennifer took over.  She is spending tonight with her daughter Paige who lives in Wyoming.  Tomorrow she drives to her home in Johannesburg, Mi.

Today was gloomy with temps near or slightly above freezing.  Occasional drizzle.  This moist temp plays havoc with my left sinus.

Nancy said business at the Gardens was slow.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios with yogurt (I forgot to buy milk) and blueberries.  We did watch the news while eating and found Covid still dominates.  Keep reading about school parents suing School Boards because of mask mandates.  Good grief, leave the School Boards along.  Kids don’t complain.

After dinner we looked out slider and saw 4 deer eating corn.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  Two part series so we will watch final episode on Thursday.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave her our flight schedule for our trip to SJ next week.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.

January 11, 2022

 Tuesday January 11, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700. It was a cold 10 degrees outside.  Nancy left at 0800 for a class at MVP.  I did my normal morning routine.

Drove the Fusion to the Y.  It was 10 outside but 25 in the garage which is good for our cars, especially in winter.

My sister, Helen, left her car in our drive when she headed to AZ with daughter Jennifer.  Tomorrow Jennifer is coming back to Mi.  I will pick her up in the afternoon.  This afternoon I will try to start her car.  I sure hope it fires up because it has been sitting outside in super cold weather.

Once again the Y was nearly empty.  I shouldn’t complain because I don’t have to wait for any apparatus.

Showered and headed to Panera.  When I arrived Nancy was getting her morning coffee.  We sat and talked awhile.

Blog resumes on Thursday January 13 at 1130

Good grief I cannot remember what I did 48 hours ago.  I do remember that I took a nap and watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

Checked courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January 10, 2022

 Monday January 10, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was very cold, 12, with wind chill in single digits.

At 0800 called Miller’s Appliance about our refrigerator running hot.  They will stop by this afternoon.

At 0800 Nancy headed out for her Monday swim at MVP.  I did at home calisthenics and then oatmeal w/banana breakfast.  Bundled up and headed to the Y.

Once again the Y was empty.  I did all my calisthenics.  Because of hip pain I have given up rowing.  Instead I walked 1.5 miles.

Showered and headed to Panera for coffee and morning read.  Nancy was also at Panera getting her coffee.  We sat and talked for awhile.

This and that:

On these cold winter days I play CD’s while working in office.  On today’s playlist:  Woody Guthrie and Jimmy Buffet.

Miller Appliance arrived at 1230.  He gave the motors and vents a good cleaning.  I hope this solves our problems.

Got a call from our attorney Doug Brackmann about our Wednesday morning meeting.  Nancy and I want to make sure all are affairs are in order.

Covid cases keep increasing in Mi and nationwide.  Is this something we will just have to live with?

Although the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party upsets me with their tax and spend policies, the right wing of the GOP upsets me more.  They worship ex President Trump who I just don’t like or trust.

Next week we are going to Ca to visit daughter Debbie.  I sent Debbie our schedule and also called Brenna Brackman who is house sitting for us.

Blast from Past” on this date in 1938 Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary that it was a Monday just like today.  The temperature in Ossineke was 0 at 0800, 20 degrees at noon and 18 at 1900.  GGF put 6 bushels of firewood on porch. He has a sick cow and at 1600 he and David Johnson, my Dad’s cousin, turned the cow over to a more comfortable position.  GGF said the cow’s condition looks bad.

This afternoon I spent time filling bird feeders and putting out corn for deer.  Every evening we have had two groups of deer visit our backyard to eat the corn.  The first group is at dinner time, 1800.   Four deer are in this group.  Later in the evening two deer arrive and seem to find enough corn to keep them feeding for 30 minutes.  

Today I finished the corn and tomorrow I must buy a new bag.  Same for the bird seed.  The Chow Hound must like to see me coming.

For dinner tonight we finished the pizza and omelette from last week.  As always I had two oatmeal cookies for dessert.

Tonight after the news we switched and watched an Australian show called “Mr and Mrs Murder”  we gave it a C.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She was sitting in her car at Ralph’s Market trying to figure out what to buy for dinner.  We gave several suggestions.  LA was 40 degrees warmer than GR.

We headed to bed at 2130.  I did check the Courtyard and everything secure.  Temperature will drop to low teens tonight.

Monday, January 10, 2022

January 9, 2022

 Sunday January 9, 2022

Weekend Update:

My iPad froze up and I was unable to write my blog yesterday.  It is hard to believe how reliant we are on these small machine.

I tried everything to unfreeze the iPad Safari app.  Debbie helped me open Safari but nothing worked. Finally today ,Sunday, I took my iPad to the Apple store in Woodland Mall.  A young man was able to unfreeze the machine in a matter of minutes.  Bottom line I had too many apps open.

The following is a brief summary of this weekends activities.

Saturday January 8

Up early, 0700, and we headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  It was very cold when we headed out.  

After breakfast we made a quick trip to Breton Village.  Stopped at the LuLu store so Nancy could return a gift.

At home Nancy did laundry.

I made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond looking for a mud mat for our front door.  No luck.

We took down our Christmas lights and tree.

With this cold weather I’ve had to fill the bird feeder often.

Saturday afternoon I did take a nap.

For dinner we ordered pizza from JT’s.  I drove to JT’s and was surprised how busy the place was.  No room in the parking lot.  All the tables were full. Glad we had take out.

After dinner we watched an episode of Winter on Acorn.  

Sunday January

Slept in until 0730.

Temperature was near 32.  I was worried about ice.

Checked outside and saw cars had no difficulty climbing the hill in front of Condo.

Salted our walk and then drove to Biggby coffee for our Sunday brew.

Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  The roads were ok.

Small crowd at church today.

Noted on our way home that the temperature had dropped 8 degrees since earlier.  

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s to get some supplies.

Dropped Nancy off, grabbed iPad and drove to Apple Store.  As mentioned earlier the young Apple employee had the iPad working in minutes.

The weather stopped me from walking yesterday.  So while at Mall I walked a mile.

Lunch and then a nap.

After nap put out food for all the critters.

Sunday evening meal was very light.  Toast with blueberries.

Finished the GRP before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we finished Winter.  I liked this show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a cold weather report for GR, 14 with wind chill in single digits.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold with a bright half moon.

Cold weather continues tomorrow.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 7, 2022

 Friday January 7, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0530.  Today I am taking Helen and Jennifer to GR airport for their trip to AZ.

Quickly dressed and fixed an oatmeal breakfast before heading out.  We left the Condo at 0630.  The temperature was 4.  The coldest morning of the year.

Traffic at the airport was light.  After dropping Helen and Jennifer off I headed home.  

Nancy was just leaving for MVP for a swim.  I grabbed my workout clothes and headed to the Y.

The Y was empty.  I did my entire workout today at the Y with no waiting.  After the workout I showered and then headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and bagel to enjoy while reading the news.  I did not spend much time at Panera because I had a lot of catching up to do.

As soon as I got home I started a load of laundry.  This cold weather has given the birds a big appetite.  The feeders were empty.  Filled the feeders to their brim.

Found time this afternoon for a two hour nap.  Much longer than I planned on.

Just before dinner we looked out the slider and saw 4 deer eating corn I had put out earlier.  

For dinner tonight I fixed a chicken sandwich.  Also fixed a bowl of blueberries.

We had FaceTime conversations with both Debbie and Missy.  Also got a phone call from sister, Helen.  She made it to Tucson and was happy to report the temperature was 70.

We watched an episode of "New Tricks" before turning in.

The temperature was in teens when checked courtyard at 2200.

Friday, January 7, 2022

January 6, 2022

Thursday January 6, 2022

Blog time 1445 sitting in den

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked downstairs and Helen and Jennifer were still sleeping.

Yesterday I pushed too much snow.  Hip pain was great, I took 2 extra Motrin at 0200. The Motrin worked in getting rid of pain.

We had about 8” of new snow on the drive and walks.  I shoveled them off.

Nancy made coffee for Helen and Jennifer.  I drove to Panera to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Temperature was high 20s but wind chill was in single digits.  Of course it was still snowing.

Helen and Jennifer got a flight out of GR on Friday morning.

Daily activities:

Shoveled the walk and drive two more times.

Helen’s Granddaughter Paige stopped by this afternoon.  She had lunch and dinner at the Condo.  Paige’s friend Jay joined her for lunch.

Dinner tonight was leftovers.  Diners included Bob and Nancy, Helen, Jennifer and her daughter Paige.  For dessert we had ice cream.  My sugar free diet has taken a major hit lately.

Helen, Jennifer and Paige left after dinner and headed to a local bar in Ada.  Jennifer is meeting her biological half sister for a drink.  DNA helped Jennifer locate her biological family.  

Nancy and I watched two episode of Winter.  

Helen and family got home at 2100.  She reported it was a great meeting.  Everyone was happy.

Checked courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.  It was very cold. Temps will drop to single digits tonight.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 5, 2022

 Wednesday January 5, 2022

Blog time 1040 sitting at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP.  I did my Wednesday routine at home, calisthenics at 50%.

Gathered up the trash and recyclables before heading out.  It was drizzling with a stiff breeze.  

It is now 1040, outside temp of 27 and wind speed of 24 mph.  Wind chill is 12 degrees.  Nancy just texted me that her work shift for this afternoon at Meijer’s was canceled.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog Breakfast Club today was canceled because of weather.  I drove to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast with blueberry bagel.  

Read several Mi papers, Detroit News and Alpena News.  A continuing news story is about school boards in Mi under pressure from parents.  They don’t want their kids wearing masks or being taught “woke history”. Several recall elections are underway. 

Today my sister, Helen, and her daughter Jennifer, are driving from Gaylord to GR.  Tomorrow they take a plane to Tucson. Helen has a Tucson Condo and she will stay in AZ until early May.  

Helen just called and said the wind and snow are making driving difficult.  They are taking the longer US 127 route instead of US 131 because driving conditions are better.

After Panera I headed to Costco.  Bought a rotisserie chicken, eye drops and bread.  The chicken will be served with the Mac and cheese my Sister is bringing for dinner.

At home I had lunch and then spent time shoveling our walk and drive.  Shoveled off a spot for our Trash and Recyclables containers.  About 8 inches of new snow had accumulated.  

Helen and Jennifer arrived at 1630.  The driving conditions were terrible.  The State Police closed I96 at the Lowell exit.  They had to get off the interstate and take Cascade Road to the Condo.  

Immediately got Helen a glass of wine.  Also one for me.

We spent an hour in conversation before dinner.  We had the Mac and cheese with rotisserie chicken, salad and banana bread.  A very tasty meal.  We did watch the news for a weather report.  Does not look good.

Helen’s Thursday flight to Tucson was cancelled.  She was able to get a Friday flight out of GR.  She will make a stop in Houston before heading to AZ.

No TV tonight.  Spent several hours in pleasant conversation.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  About six inches of new snow had accumulated since 1600.  

Tomorrow will be a snow day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 4, 2022

 Tuesday January 4, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room

I really slept in today, 0730.  The temperature was in teens but should get above freezing later.  Bright sun predicted.

 I did my normal morning routine.  Missy is leaving this afternoon for CA.  She has some packing to do so she did not accompany me to the Y.

Once again the Y was empty.  Today I did calisthenics and walked 1.4 miles.  No rowing machine because of the hip pain it causes.

Showered at Y and then headed to Panera for some reading and coffee.  On way home from Panera I stopped at bank and then the tailor shop.

This and that:

President Biden had a Covid press conference this afternoon.  Did anyone pay attention?

WVA Senator Manchin is doing the nation a great service with his opposition a lot of the left's power grab.

After a mild December we now have a real winter settling in.  Major storm coming on the 5th.  In fact Breakfast Club was canceled.

A lot of High School sports events are cancelled because of Covid.

After Panera I drove home for a quick lunch.  Today at 1430 we took Missy and AJ to the airport.  The flight to LA went off without a hitch.

We stopped at Meijer’s on way home from airport.  Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought several lunch items.

We spent some time cleaning up the guest bedroom.  On Wednesday my sister, Helen, and niece Jennifer are coming.  They will stay overnight and fly to Tucson on Thursday.  Jennifer will help Helen get settled in. 

Light dinner tonight, Cheerios with toast.  We watched some news before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of “Winter”.

We did have four deer in the backyard eating the corn I set out on Monday.  In past winters the deer never missed a feeding.  This year they will miss a day.  I think something in the neighborhood is spooking them.

Check of Courtyard at 0930 and everything OK.  Big storm coming tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 3, 2022

 Monday January 3, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

First Monday of the new year.  We expect the Y to be jammed with New Year’s Resolution folks.  

Up at 0700, at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for a swim at MVP.  She thinks MVP will be crowded and will have trouble getting a lane.

After an oatmeal breakfast Missy and I head to the Y.  Surprise!! The Y was not crowded.  I had no trouble finding a chin up bar or rowing machine.  Missy also had no difficulty finding an exercise machine.  Did folks forget to make resolutions this year?  Nancy reported she had no problem getting a swim lane.

Dropped Missy off at home and then headed to Panera for some coffee and reading.  At this time of year the news folks seem to be taking a break.  Only fluff is reported.

After Panera I stopped at Meijer’s for some bananas.  Later Nancy and I have an 1400 appointment with our GP, Dave Kutsche.  

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I head to Dr Kutsche’s office.  Today we are having a follow up meeting with the Doctor to check on Nancy’s memory problems.  The Doctor gave Nancy a standard memory test.  She did well.  I took the same test and we had similar scores.  

We keep hearing TV commercials about memory pills that work miracles.  However the medical community is not impressed.  Bottom line we decided for now to do nothing and just have Nancy check in with Dr. Kutsche quarterly.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s lasagna.  For dessert the girls had ice cream.  I had my oatmeal cookies.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  It was very good.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything was secure.  

Monday, January 3, 2022

January 2, 2021

 Sunday January 2, 2022

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0630.  

We got about 4” of new snow last night.  Our driveway and walks were all clear.

I got in Fusion and drove to Starbucks to get coffee for Missy.  Next stop Biggby to get coffee for Bob and Nancy. No Church today.

For breakfast we all drove to the Gathering Place.  AJ had pancakes and bacon, Missy had a breakfast taco, Nancy a Western omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and raisin toast.  We all gave it an A.

At home Nancy and Missy went shopping.  I stayed home and read the GRP from cover to cover.  AJ was drawing on her iPad.  AJ is a great talented artist.

Nancy and Missy got home at 1330.  They had made stops at Dollar Store, Walmart and several other stores.

This afternoon after lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk.  It was cold, high teens, but sunny.  I did not see another person outside.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight we had Nancy and Missy’s special pea soup, a salad and a loaf of sweet bread.  It was good.

This evening we watched an episode of “New Tricks”. This is the first show with new cast.  I liked it especially since Prime has eliminated the commercials.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold and clear.  Nancy and Bob were in bed by 2130.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 1, 2022

 Saturday January 1, 2022


Blog time 1330 sitting in den.

Slept in until 0800 this morning.  Checked the weather and it was 32 and drizzle. Starting at 1300 we will be under a Winter Weather Storm watch. The temperature will drop all day. 

Nancy needed some more ingredients for her pea soup so we made a trip to Meijer’s.  The store was empty as were the shelf’s.  Missy bought me a Starbucks coffee.

As soon as we got home I took a two mile walk.   Walked in a light snow and stiff breeze.

 I was surprised that the deer did not eat the corn I put out yesterday.  I did bring in a new bag of corn cobs that I stored in my car trunk.  One bag lasts about 2 weeks.

Spent time this afternoon reading and writing.  Also watched some football.

Nancy and Missy spent the afternoon preparing our New Year’s Day snacks.  The snacks will replace a formal dinner meal.

Just before sitting down for our snacks I looked out the slider and saw four deer eating the corn I put out yesterday.

Sat at kitchen table when eating the snacks.

Snacks included:

Baloney with mini naan

Fried shrimp.

Fresh vegetables and fruit

Cookies and ice cream for dessert.

Tonight’s entertainment was watching an episode of Vera.

Light snow had started when checked Courtyard before bed. I shoveled the walk.  Snow will continue all night.  Temperature will drop to teens.

Bob and Nancy were in bed at 2130.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

December 31. 2021

 Friday December 31, 2021

New Year’s Eve

This blog is being written on January 1, 2022.

On New Year’s Eve morning we were up at 0700.  Nancy took the day off from swimming.  

I had a quick breakfast and then Missy and I drove to the Y.  Y was empty this morning.  I predict that on Monday the 3rd of January the Y will be jammed with all the New Year resolutions folks.  They usually give up in three weeks.

Calisthenics, row and mile walk was my routine this morning.  Took a super quick shower after the workout.

Missy walked two miles and spent time on the elliptical machine.  What is an elliptical machine?

Dropped Missy off at home and then made a quick trip to Panera to coffees for Nancy and me.  

At 1130 we all got in the Escape and headed to Sundance for lunch.  We met our Grand Niece Paige.  Sundance was crowded with large groups.  I was surprised that we were able to get a circular table for five.  Circular tables are best for groups over five.  We all ordered off the breakfast menu.  For first time in ages I had pancakes and eggs.  Very good.

After lunch we headed to Meijer’s for some last minute supplies.  I filled the Escape up.  Gas today was $2.89.

This afternoon I found time for a nap.   For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch menu, yogurt, cheese on naan, Ensure and a piece of dark chocolate.

We did watch some news tonight.  Except for stories on Betty White and Covid, today was a slow news day.  

After the news we watched another movie on Netflix.  It was called “Red Notice” starring the Rock.  Perfect movie for a Friday night.

Temperature was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before bed.  

I did check the score of the Georgia vs UM game.  Glad I did not watch the game.  

Nancy and I were sound asleep by 2230.  New Year’s Eve party animals!