Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November 30, 2020

 Monday November 1, 2020

Up this morning at 0630.  Did some calisthenics before driving to Panera for a coffee and croissant.  Breakfast and then dressed warmly because the wind chills were in the low 20s.

Nancy first thing this morning headed out on her 3.5 mile walk.  She has a 1400 PT appointment.

For the first time in over a month I biked to the Y.  I was surprised the place was nearly empty.  It was great to be able to finally do some push-ups and sit-ups.  I finished my Y routine with a 0.8 mile walk.  I think walking on the Y’s track is easier of my hip because it has a flat even surface.

At home I showered and then spent some time reading and finishing yesterday’s blog.  

It is now 1320 and I will have lunch and then run errands.  Stay tuned.

First stop on my errand run was The Cleaners.  I left four shirts to be cleaned and pressed.

Next stop was Meijer’s.  I bought yogurt cups, bananas, bagel crisps and wine.  Meijer’ was out of Light Prune Juice and shower cleaner.

Spent the rest of the afternoon in my office reading and finishing yesterday’s blog.  My iPad tracker says I usually spend 4 hours on the iPad each day.

I did put out 6 ears of corn for the deer at 1600.  The deer arrived within 5 minutes.

It is Monday so we had a Cheerios dinner.  After dinner we watched 30 minutes of the Shepard Smith new hour.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of Jack Ryan on Prime.  Like this show.

It was cold, 34, and very windy when checked the front yard at 2200.  Wind will continue through tomorrow.  Winds above 15 mph makes walking and biking unpleasant. 

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