Monday, December 14, 2020

December 13, 2020

 Sunday December 13, 2020

Blog time 1215 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  We both quickly dressed and headed to Meijer’s.  The store was empty so we had our shopping done in 45 minutes.  Today is the 13th.  I usually buy lottery tickets on the 13th but not today.  I do not gamble on Sunday.

Stopped at Panera on way home.  Purchased two coffees, bagel and bowl of oatmeal.  At home had breakfast and then set up the iPad for our morning church service from Trinity Lutheran.  Today was the 40th streaming service.

Featured today was the Children’s Christmas Program.  It was all virtual and very well done.  A lot of effort by the youth ministry.

After church Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I read some of the GRP and then drove to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  I used the Drive Thru.  Also stopped and filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $1.99.

I just finished yesterday’s blog and started today’s blog, Dec 13.

It is now 1220 and will pause while I take a very short walk.  Today’s walk was 1.4 miles.  Temp in mid30s with light wind making walking comfortable.

Light lunch today followed by a short nap.

This and that:

Prime Minister Merkel put Germany on hard lockdown after surge in coronavirus cases. 

Do you remember the hot water bottle.  The bottle was made of rubber and had a stopper to keep the water in.  To use the bottle you had to fill it with super hot water. Usually you placed the bottle under a bed’s blankets near your feet.  On cold winter nights it would keep your feet warm.

BRexit is still commanding a lot of the UK’s press.  Appears some hard core talks are going on.

The hard core supporters of President Trump will not give up.  Despite all information that the election was fair they insist it was stolen.  What kind of pills are these fools taking.

Great to see the US Supreme Court making logical decisions.  Disappointing to see so many GOP legislators backing the Texas lawsuit.  What are they afraid off.  Retaliation by the bully President.  They look weak.

In cold weather I get infections in my left sinus.  I think it is caused by the damage done to this area when I had singles in my left eye.  Today I felt an infection starting so I upped my Motrin intake.  Hope it works.

This afternoon I turned on the electric blanket on the bed downstairs.  Started reading thinking I would soon fall asleep.  Did not happen.  An electric blanket is much better than a hot water bottle.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had bacon, spinach pie and a croissant.  Very good.  Every evening I have a small glass of prune juice.  It works.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We also watched and episode of Call The Midwifes.  This episode was a season ending Christmas Show.  The story line was about an unusual cold and snowy Christmas season in London in early 60s.  Great show.  Hot water bottles were used extensively.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Alway great to talk to the daughters.

It was cold, 28, and windy when checked this evening.  Tomorrow will also be cold and windy.

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