Tuesday, December 22, 2020

December 21, 2020

 Monday December 21, 2020:  today we have the winter solstice.  Only 9 hours of daylight but the good news is the days are getting longer.  Spring can’t be far off.

Up at 0645, Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I did my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee and a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast.  Today’s bike ride totaled 10.5 miles.  I did see five deer on today’s ride.   I did stop at the Y for some more calisthenics and a 1.2 mile walk.

At home I showered, dressed and headed out on some errands.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to refill my $2 bill supply.  Also stopped at several merchants to get Christmas gift cards.

At home I had lunch before heading down to office.  Nancy headed out for her 1400 physical therapy class.  This is her last one.

Spent time in office reading the news and finished yesterday’s blog.  I think I am getting blog fatigue.  Might have to take a break.

The temperature today did not get below 32.  The ice has left the ponds and with frost gone our backyard a quagmire.  I don’t like this warm weather.  If I was King I would mandate that temperature in Dec, Jan and Feb would not get above 32.  I think yo-yo temperatures are unhealthy.  Speaking of yo-yos does anyone own a yo-yo?  In my youth they were very popular.

In 1957 I was on the UM Wrestling team.  The coach said I was going to a Holiday Wrestling Tournament in Wilkes Barre, Pa.  We were leaving December 27.   I thought going home for Christmas would be difficult.  It is an 8 hour drive on the Greyhound.  I decided that I would stay on campus.  Most of the dorms were closed for the holidays so I was given a room in the West Quadrangle.  The place was empty and it was kind of spooky because most lights were off and only a few foreign students were staying.  

Finally I got so lonely that on Dec 22 I packed a bag and bought a ticket to Alpena.  When I got home I saw Mom and Dad sitting in living room playing cards.  My Mom looked up and said “what are you doing here”!  I told her I was too lonely and wanted to spend Christmas with family.  Spent 4 wonderful days at home. 

Tonight we had our standard Monday dinner, Cheerios with pineapple and blueberries.  I might start changing Monday and Wednesday’s menu.

Tonight we watched 30 minutes of Shepard Smith news.  After the news we watched another episode of Whitechapel.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR.

Temp was in mid 30s when checked outside at 2200.

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