Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 14, 2020

 Monday December 14, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Headed downstairs for some calisthenics.  Nancy will head out on her morning walk as soon as it is light.  Sunrise today 0805.  We now have 9hr 02’ of daylight.  

After my calisthenics I dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal and had breakfast.

Today I will try to minimize my left sinus exposure to the cold wind.  I put on winter clothes and got out my snowboarder’s helmet.  This helmet keeps my head super warm on these cold day.

Today I took a mile off my ride to the Y.  Tried to keep the wind at my back.  

At the Y I finished my calisthenics and today I walked 1.5 miles. At home took a very hot shower.  I told Nancy I was in for the day.

This and that:

Today, to much fanfare, the Coronavirus vaccine is being administered.  This is great news.

The Republican Georgia Election official has said the election was fair.  For his honesty he has been given death threats.  Shame on the cowardly folks making these threats.

The Electoral College meets today to certify the election.  Every election year folks argue about the merits of the Electoral College.  Nothing is ever done.  I say keep the College.

The US Treasury and Commerce Department computer systems were hacked.  Those in the know say it was the Russians.  Why can’t we retaliate?

On my bike ride I did encounter some light snow showers but nothing stuck.  Good Grief Dec 14 and no measurable snow so far.  

We have all our Christmas decorations in place.  Every day we received a Christmas box from either Amazon, UPS, FedEX and the USPS.  All packages are delivered in corrugated cardboard.  The price of corrugated must be high.  

On this date in 1962 it was a Friday and Ensign Scott after 1 year, two weeks, 3 days and 17 hours was going home.  Boarded the Log flight from Midway Island to Hawaii.  I was the happiest person in the world.  

Grabbed a military flight to San Francisco.  At SFO bought commercial flights to Alpena, Mi with stops in Chicago, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Tri City and finally Alpena.

It was 72 when I left Midway and when I landed in Alpena on Sunday morning it was 17.  Mom and Dad were at the airport to greet me.  They sure looked good.  I would stay home until just after Christmas and then took a flight to San Diego to attend a school before departing to Vietnam.  Good grief that was 58 years ago.  I can remember small details but can’t remember if I took my pills this morning.

Today after lunch I spent time in office reading until 1530.  Put out corn for deer and then took a short nap.

Tonight we had a light dinner of Cheerios, blueberries and a croissant.  We watched the news before switching to Acorn.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Restless on Acorn.  We both liked the show.  It only has two episodes.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR and CA.

It was already in the 20s when I checked out at 2200.  Overnight the temp will drop to low 20s.

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