Saturday, December 12, 2020

December 11, 2020

 Friday December 11, 2020

Blog time 1550 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  I have a 1030 Doctor’s appointment so no Y today.

Showered and then drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal breakfast.  Left home at 1000 and headed to Doctor Winkle’s office.

Dr Winkle is my new ENT doctor.  He checked for polyps in my nose.  He found several small polyps but nothing to worry about.  He gave me a prescription for nose spray and said see you in six months.

At home put on bike clothes and took a gentle 10 mile ride.  Temp was near 40 with only light wind.  Pleasant ride.

Lunch and then I drove Nancy to Harvest Bread so she could get a loaf of seven grain bread.  She also bought an oatmeal/raisin cookie and gave me half.

At home I took a short 0.7 mile walk. I did some reading in the office.  Completed yesterday’s blog before reclining in the guest bedroom.  Read some of my current book.

This afternoon I sold some stock in an online account.  Debbie helped me complete the sale.  It is kind of scary because of how easy it is to manipulate the accounts.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop in the crock pot.  She also put onions, rice and special sauce in pot.  She also fixed Lima beans and coleslaw.  Very good.

Tonight we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called Ava.  Ava was an ex special forces women who was working for an unscrupulous gang.  A lot of martial arts fights.  I gave it a B+ Nancy gave it a C-.  

Debbie Facetimed us the evening.  We had a nice talk.  

Missy did not FaceTime us today so at 2200 I FaceTimed her.  She said she just was so busy she forgot to call.  I was glad to hear everything was ok.  

It was raining when checked outside at 2200.  Weatherman said it will rain all day tomorrow.

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