Monday, December 28, 2020

December 27, 2020

 Sunday December 27, 2020

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to Meijer’s for supplies.  Meijer’s was empty so completed our shopping in about 40 minutes.

Stopped at Panera on way home for our daily coffee. At home unloaded our supplies.  I had a quick breakfast.

Brought up my iPad and set it up near our sofa.  This morning we watched the 42nd YouTube Trinity Lutheran service.

After church Nancy put on her warm clothes and headed out on a walk.  I got in the Fusion and ran errands.  First stop was D&W gas station for gas.  I did not check the price this morning.

Next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 35# bag of corn.  Also bought small grained bird seed.  The recent bird seed I purchase consisted of large nuts that plugged the holes supplying the food tray.  I removed the large seed and put in the small seed.  Everything flowed ok so I expect many birds.

Finished the morning with a 2.5 mile walk.  The sidewalks were empty.

Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  

This and that:

Several time in the last few days I heard the President described as a “narcissist”.  I looked the word up and it sure describes the President.  Although I think “selfish jerk” is better.

This evening we got messages saying POTUS has signed the Coronavirus relief bill.  Why all the dramatics!

The temperature this afternoon got above freezing.  Our snow is gone.  So far winter has been a pussycat.

I have always been a fan of Folk Music.  Right now I am listening to Woody Guthrie.  His music of the tough times in the 30s is interesting.  I would recommend members of the Woke Generation listen to the words of his songs.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and a croissant.  

We watched some of 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched another episode of Virgin River.  

Debbie and Missy Facetimed us today.  Everything ok.

It was 32 when checked front yard at 2200.  The temp will remain at 32 most of the night.

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