Friday, December 11, 2020

December 10, 2020

 Thursday December 10, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Nancy headed out on her morning 3 mile walk.

I did some calisthenics at home before heading to Panera for two coffees and a bagel.  When I pulled up to the window to pay the attendant said the lady in front had paid for my order.  I had no idea who she was.  Just a good soul with Christmas spirit.

Speaking of Christmas spirit I have started listening to Christmas music on my XM radio.  I think I am in a holiday mood.  

It was 24 when I headed out this morning on my 7 mile bike ride to the Y.  Despite the temp the ride was pleasant.  Bright sun and no wind.

Once again the Y was empty.  I did my chin-ups, push-ups and a mile walk.  It was 40 when I left the Y at 1030.

Shaved, showered and dressed before heading out on an errand.  Today I drove to Tractor Supply in Lowell.  Bought another food block for the deer.   Also bought a bag of bird seed for a new feeder I will put on the garage.

At 1300 Nancy headed out on another walk with a neighbor.  They walked 3 miles.  Nancy has walked 6 miles today.  I am totally impressed.

This and that:

Looks like no deal between UK and EU.  Should the USA be concerned?

Texas is suing several states over the recent election.  This move looks stupid.  What business does Texas have in the MI election.  One reason I am no longer a Republican.  Of course I am also not a Democrat.  I will call myself an independent.

Our Congress still has several outstanding matters that must be resolved before year’s end.  All the game playing has turned me off.  I am sure at lot of other folks feel the same way.  Maybe we need term limits?

For dinner tonight we finished the meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  Very good.  Who doesn’t like meatloaf and mashed potatoes?

Tonight we watched some news.  We finished the evening watching another episode of Whitechapel.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We bragged about our recent great weather in GR.  Weather will continue through tomorrow afternoon.  We also gave a positive health report.

It was mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Mild evening ahead.

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