Sunday, December 6, 2020

December 5, 2020

 Saturday December 5, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  It was dark.  Temperature was 29.  Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  She did wear her reflective vest.

Started the morning with some light calisthenics. Dressed and drove to Panera.  Bought two coffees and a bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I ran some errands.  First stop was laundry where I picked up 4 shirts.  Stopped at Chow Hound and bought 35# bag of corn.  Next stop was D&W.  Mailed my Christmas cards and bought beer, bananas, and coleslaw.  I then drove to Gazelle Sport to buy a baclava.  I arrived at 1000. I thought they opened at 1000 but they changed hours and did not open until 1100.  Drove to Dick’s but they did not have any baclava.

 At home put on bike clothes and headed out.  Today I headed to Ada.  Total miles traveled 10.8 miles. No critters spotted.

Shaved and showered and then lunch.  After lunch Nancy wanted me to go to PO and mail some packages.  I used the satellite PO at D&W.  

Noted when got home that Nancy had left a note saying she was on a short walk.  Not a bad idea so I took a 0.75 mile walk. Got home before Nancy.  No surprise because Nancy’s short walk was 2 miles.

This and that:

In my high school years my favorite winter sport was ice hockey.  We played outside on natural ice.  The City did not flood the rinks until mid December.  After Thanksgiving we looked for frozen ponds.  The first pond to freeze was an abandoned limestone quarry.  Someone would usually checked the quarry daily.  When the ice was thick enough the word got out and the quarry was filled with hockey players.  Pond hockey is the best.

Noted on recent cold morning a thin coat of ice on local ponds. It is usually gone by midday.

Big new workout item, weighted vest.  Saw several advertisements in Health magazines.  What’s the big deal!  I bought a 20# weighted vest in 1962.  I wore it everyday on my 2 mile run on the Midway Island beach.

Coronavirus still dominates the news.  When will folks reach their saturation point and just ignore the news.

President Trump’s harassment of Georgia elected officials could backfire causing the GOP to lose the Senate.  

CDC says wear a mask inside.  Good idea but how many will comply.

This afternoon I took my Kindle downstairs and reclined on one of the beds in the guest bedroom.  Turned on the electric blanket and read several chapters of a Ken Follett book on England around the year 1,000 AD.  The ruling class at that time were nasty.  Probably a reason my ancestors left in 1632.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.  We watched no news tonight but switched to Acorn and watched a Midsomer Murders episode from season 19.  I think we are getting close to the last episode.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and skimmed the WSJ.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We told them the we were both healthy and in fine spirits.  

It was below freezing when checked the front yard at 2200.  We had a nice bright moon.

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