Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 2, 2020

Wednesday December 2, 2020

Blog time 1800, sitting in office.

Up with the alarm at 0606.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Once again today’s meeting is on Zoom.

Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home fixed my oatmeal for breakfast.  Standard breakfast oatmeal w/yogurt topping, banana, bagel and coffee.

Sat down and joined BC at exactly the 0730 starting time.  Today’s speaker did not show.  However, one member said we had some members who were born in a foreign county.  Four members gave a brief discussion of their arrival in the USA.  After their introduction a robust discussion followed.  It was a great meeting.  

After the meeting I did some at home calisthenics.  Today being my easy Wednesday the calisthenics were done at 50%. Decided no Y today.  

Put on my warm bike riding clothes and headed out on a 10.5 mile ride.  Almost at the end of the ride a deer ran right in front of me.  If I was more alert I could of touched her.

Rest of days activities:

Bought a pair of pants online.  Did not like so went online to find the return policy.  Finally found the procedure.

Gathered up trash.  This week I needed an extra bag for a pumpkin and corn cobs.

Did a load of laundry.  


Drove to Macatawa Bank to get Kim’s Christmas bonus.

Stopped at D&W’s satellite post office to mail my pants back to supplier.

Took a short nap.

Finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy had a 1800 Zoom meeting with her group called “Women who Care, WWC”.  85 members were in attendance.  Zoom crashed several minutes before the end of the meeting.  Nancy thought she had punched the wrong button.  She got a message saying the crash impacted everyone.

Dinner tonight was cheerios with baguette.  We watched news.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We had a long discussion with both.  Nancy headed to bed early.  I started watching a foreign crime show on Netflix.  Immediately fell asleep and woke up to episodes later.  

Temperature in mid 30s when checked outside at 2200.  More wind and cold tomorrow.

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