Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 29, 2020

 Tuesday December 29, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed to Aldi’s for some fruits and vegetables.

I did my at home calisthenics before dressing and heading to Panera to get coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  After breakfast I bundled up for my bike ride to the Y.  It was 22 but no wind.

I noted when I just got underway something was wrong.  It was difficult pedaling.  Checked and saw that the back tire was rubbing against the bottom stay.  Made a quick detour home and got a wrench and adjusted the back tire.  Some times I can make simple repairs.

The bike operated fine.  The Y was nearly empty this morning.  I did more calisthenics and walked 1.2 miles.  Total bike miles today was 10.5.

At home shaved and showered.  Then started a few chores. 

Ordered nose spray prescription from Meijer’s.

Called Dentist and changed Monday’s dental appointment from morning to afternoon.

Called Security firm and requested a service person check our slider alarm.

I got a call from Ada Bike saying the checkup of my Cannondale was complete.  Drove to bike shop and picked it up.

Lunch followed by short nap.  After spent time reading online papers and writing blog.

For dinner Nancy fixed an Italian pasta dish.  Also had Brussels sprouts, salad and blueberry muffin.

Watched some news before switching to Netflix.  We watched another episode of Virgin River.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch “Occupied”.  Good show about Russia trying to occupy Norway.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed today.  Everything ok.

It was snowing when checked the front yard this evening.  About 3” predicted overnight.

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