Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 12, 2020

Saturday December 12, 2020

Today we got up at 0630.  It had rained all night and the rain will continue all day.  The temperature was in mid 30s so no snow.

As I was starting this blog I looked out the downstairs slider and noted two deer feeding on the mineral/food block.  Even at my age I am alway excited when I see wild critters close up.

This morning I did all my calisthenics at home.  At 50% of course since it is the weekend.

After the exercises I dressed and drove to Panera in pouring rain.  Today I purchased two coffees, a bowl of oatmeal and a bagel.  I earned enough points so one coffee and the oatmeal were free.

Breakfast and then headed downstairs to do some reading.  After an hour I decided to run some errands.  

First stop was Macatawa Bank.  I have been having difficulty getting banking info on my iPhone.  The teller told me they have a brand new app.  I just had to delete to old app and download the new one.  Problem solved.

Next stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I bought a DuoFold super duper warm undershirt.  I had thought DuoFold had gone out of business but when checked on the internet found out that Dick’s carried the brand.

Next I stopped a Staples and bought a shredder.  It is almost identical to our old shredder.

This and that:

The rain turned to snow at 1600.

Breaking news! The Vaccine has left Pfizer’s manufacturing facility in Kalamazoo today.  Much fanfare.  Folks can start getting shots on Monday.

President Trump is mad that his appointees to the Supreme Court did not support the stupid Texas lawsuit regarding the election.  Get Real POTUS you lost!

Coronavirus news totally dominates TV newscasts.  I think NBC had 90% of its Friday night news dedicated to Covid.  Talk about over kill.  Next week no evening news.

After lunch I headed down to my office.  No outside activities today.  I have a sinus infection and will stay inside.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Debbie FaceTimed Nancy today and helped her install the new Apple A+ on our big TV.  Nancy gets 12 months free service because she got a new iPad.

Missy also FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose and LA.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. I stayed up and watched an episode of Fallett on Netflix.

The rain had finally stopped when checked outside at 2200. Temperature at 32.  


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