Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 8, 2020

 Tuesday December 8, 2020

Slept in until 0700.  Nancy headed out for her morning walk.  Performed some calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast put on bike clothes and took my standard 7 mile ride to Y.

Y was empty.  I like an empty Y because I can always find an empty chin-up bar.  I did calisthenics and took a mile walk.

At home, shaved and showered.  This morning I got a call from my old High School class mate, Tom Cassell.  We talked for over an hour.  Great to talk to old friends from the 40s and 50s.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I sat at the dining room table and took a call from Debbie.  Debbie helped Nancy get her email on her new iPad.  After several calls to Apple support Debbie got it all straightened out.  Nancy is happy.

This and that:

It is amazing that the drug companies got a vaccine in such short time.  Just shows you we can do anything if we eliminate all the bureaucrats and stupid rules.  Getting the vaccine to the people is another logistical challenge but I am sure it will be solved.

The UK started giving the vaccine to old folks today.

I see a lot of cars transporting Christmas Trees.  This year folks are going for real trees.  One year while in high school my sister, Helen, and I headed out to a lot we owned on Lake Huron.  The lot had a lot of fir trees.  We picked one out and with much effort cut it down.  When the tree was finally set up in its stand we noted it was less than perfect.  However, it was our tree.

During my youth when I got a hole in a sock Mother would darn the hole.  To help her with this task she used a wood darning egg.  The egg was inserted in the sock to aid in the repair.  When about 7 I shopped all over town and finally found a store that sold darning eggs.  I bought  it for about $1.  It was my first purchase using money I earned cutting grass.  Wrapped the egg and put it under the tree.  My Mother did a great job of acting by saying it was a great gift.  Memories from the 40s.

This afternoon I grabbed my Kindle, turned on the electric blanket in one of the beds downstairs and started reading.  I expected to fall asleep but instead read for over an hour.

I put out corn for the deer about 1600.  Sunset is usually about 1700.  The deer arrive after sunset so we cannot see them.  Bummer!

For dinner tonight we had Nancy’s special chicken noodle soup. I had mine with a scone and cottage cheese.

We watched the news and then NCIS on CBS.  Missy FaceTimed this evening and we had a good talk.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Fallett on Netflix.  It was very mild when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperatures will be above normal for the next several days.

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