Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 19, 2020

 Saturday December 19, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office:

Restless night.  Got up at 0300, emptied dishwasher and did some calisthenics.  Got back in bed at 0400 and slept sound until 0745.  

Talking about my sleep habits with other old guys and my experience is typical.  No one I knows can sleep 8 hours straight.

At 0800 Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I got in the Escape and drove to Meijer’s for supplies.  Also filled up the Escape. On way home stopped at Panera.  Got Nancy her coffee and I got a bowl of oatmeal and coffee.

After breakfast I did some mild calisthenics before putting on bike clothes and heading out.  

Mild snow/rain mix so I put on my rain suit.  Of course the rain/snow mix stopped as soon as I got underway.

Today I pedaled 9.5 miles.  My average speed was 7.8 mph which most hard core bikers would call slow.  Who cares!

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Told Nancy that I was in for the day.

This and that:

Except for Coronavirus and weather the Press seems to be taking a break.  Now that is good news.

Appears a new strain of the Coronavirus has emerged in the UK.  Not good news.

How will the new Congress retaliate against foreign hackers.  We hear some tough talk now.  

POTUS is suffering one legal setback after another.  He is now living in a fantasy world.  His legacy is suffering.

Is anyone following college sports?  In Mi, High School sports can resume.  HS football playoffs will run into January.  

Just driving around in the evening we see a lot of great outdoor Christmas decorations.

Put out corn for deer at 1600 and 4 deer showed up about 1700.

Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a big juicy hamburger.  Nothing like a juicy hamburg.

Tonight we watched and episode of Whitechapel.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode of Fallet.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Again it was above freezing when checked outside at 2200. Temp will remain above freezing temperature all night.

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