Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 23, 2020

 Wednesday December 23, 2020

Good grief I forgot to write yesterday’s blog.  You did not miss anything.  Just another day of sheltering in place.  I did have my semi-annual stomach upset probably caused by too much coffee. I have got to learn how to limit my coffee intake.

Today, Wednesday, I slept in until 0800.  Nancy was just heading out for her walk when I hopped out of bed. 

Did my at home calisthenics before heading to Panera for coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  Ate breakfast at home and then put on warm bike clothes and took an 8.5 mile ride.

At home I took my hair trimmer and gave my head a good trim.  I had been letting my hair grow but it required too much maintenance.

After the shower I started my iPad routine.  Read Alpena News, emails, finish blogs, and read the news on the iPad including the Detroit News and WSJ.

After lunch I returned to office to finish our annual charity donations.  I found that on-line donations are easier than writing a check.  I use Apple’s Numbers spreadsheet program to keep track.  As a long time Excel user it takes some time to gain confidence in Numbers.  I am managing slowly.

This and that:

It looks like the UK and EU might reach a BRexit agreement.  About time.

Our President has tried to throw a wrench in the coronavirus plan developed after tireless Congressional negotiations.  He has threatened to veto.  This shows the true charter of POTUS.  Selfish, petty and just plain mean.  Not much of a man.

About 1530 Nancy and I drove to Marco’s to pick up a Christmas Dinner we preordered.  It was well packaged with instructions on how to prepare each item.  Looks very good and I am sure we will enjoy Christmas Day.

The Coronavirus just won’t go away.  Nancy and I are waiting for our turn for the vaccine.  We think maybe midJanuary.

During Christmas break in the late 40s my friends and I would take our ice skates, hockey gear and walk down to the beach.  Lake Huron would be frozen and we would shovel off a large area so we could play hockey.  It was great fun.  After several hours, Tommy Collin’s Mother would tells us she had made cocoa.  We stopped and walked the short distance to Tommy’s house.  After warming up we headed back to our rink and continued playing.  Pond hockey is the best.  No one ever fell through the ice.

Every day Missy walks on the beach near Santa Monica.  She walks five miles.  This daily routine has produced dramatic results.  Every day she sends a short video of the beach.  It is amazing the sea life she sees.  Dolphins, rays, and even sharks are included in the video.

I finished the day with a very short walk.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two of her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on a waffle.

Tonight Debbie FaceTimed us and included Granddaughter Alessandra.  I don’t know how to get three people on FaceTime but glad Debbie figured it out.  Alessandra was riding her bike around her neighborhood.  Ain’t tech great.  Three way conversation from San Jose, Long Beach and GR.

Missy also FaceTimed this evening with Akerke included in our conversation.  They were in a festive mood.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. We are almost finished with this show.

It was in the 50s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tonight the temp will drop to low 20s with snow.

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