Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December 28, 2020

 Monday December 28, 2020

Blog time 1645 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  It was 32 but no rain forecast.  No Y today I did all my calisthenics at home.  To do my entire routine takes about 45 minutes.

Upon finishing the calisthenics I dressed and drove to Panera.  Purchased coffee, oatmeal and a croissant.  Took my order home and had breakfast at the kitchen table watching CNBC.

Nancy headed out about sunrise, 0810, for her morning 3 mile walk.  Later today she took another 1.3 mile walk.  Way to go Nancy.

Today I took my Bianchi winter bike on a 9.5 mile ride.  The bike’s caliper brake was acting up.  Later this morning I adjusted the brake.

Showered at home, dressed and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  We had a long list and were able to fill it with no problems.  All check out lines were open so we checked out in less the 10 minutes.

At home I grabbed the Escape and put my Cannondale Bad Boy in the back end and headed to Ada Bike shop.  I will get the bike checked out which includes putting on large tires suitable for winter rides.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home and bought an 8 pack of Guinness.  For the next week I will switch from wine to beer.

Lunch today was yogurt with fiber 1 cereal, toast with peanut butter and an ensure protein drink.  My new standard.

Trump’s appointees at DOD not cooperating with new administration.  Unprecedented but why should this surprise anyone.

In GR we have a big homeless problem.  Folks are camping out on the banks of the GR river.  The City had tried to move them to new quarters but most campers do not want to move preferring to live in their own shelters.  Is there a good answer to this problem?

For dinner tonight we had our Monday standard, Cheerios.  I had mine with raspberries, a croissant and half of a scone.

At 1930 we stopped watching the news and switched to Netflix.  Tonight we watched two episodes of Virgin River.  We both like this show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  Finally Ca is getting some rain.  It was 48 in Ca and 28 in MI.

Cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  

This evening I set our security alarm.  The downstairs alarm on the slider is malfunctioning.  We had two false alarms this evening.  The Security firm’s maintenance will check our system out later this week.

I noted several deer feeding on the mineral block in our back yard about 2300.  An hour later Nancy checked outside and saw more deer feeding.  

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