Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday June 29, 2020

Monday June 29, 2020

Blog time 1145 at Panera

We all got up at 0630.  Nancy took Ms P out.  Sadly she had another seizure.

This morning Nancy has a 0945 Physical Therapy session.    The jury is still out on how helpful the PT sessions are.

I start with calisthenics and then breakfast.  Left home at 0830 for my morning bike ride, 10 miles.  Showered put on clean clothes and biked to Panera, a distance of 0.8 miles.  It was sunny but hot, 82.

Panera was not crowded.  They must be hurting with the lack of patrons.  

Checked my email, read the Alpena News and NEWS app on my iPad.  Started the WSJ before heading home.  

The Coronavirus news dominates.  The BLM media coverage seems to be quieting.  Slowly some cooler heads are emerging.

I sure hope we have at least four presidential debates.  I want to know how the candidates react under pressure.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs.  I made an effort to reattach the screen slider door.  Nancy gave me a hand but to no avail.  I am so frustrated all my measurements show the screen should just easily slide on the tracks.  Nancy said for me to call a handyman friend.  Maybe!

After all my effort I needed a shower.   Followed the shower with a nap.  Today I took my nap downstairs because it is nice and cool.

I turned the AC on at 1700.  Nancy and I took a short walk before dinner.  We had our normal light Monday dinner.   

After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  We are now on season 16.  I think the show went on for 21 seasons.

FaceTimed with daughters today.  We told them we were hot but otherwise ok.  Actually I like the heat.  I don’t like AC.

Took Ms P out at 2200. It was 75.  Turned the AC off before turning in.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Sunday June 28, 2020

Sunday June 28, 2020

Blog time 1300 in office

Up at 0630.  It was another bright sunny day.  

First thing, Nancy headed to Meijer’s to buy milk.   She got carried away because everything must have been on sale.  We unloaded yogurt, apples, radishes, soft cheese and of course milk.

Nancy started looking at the ads in the GRP and noted that CVS had Fiber One cereal on sale.  We drove to the CVS in EGR and bought six boxes.

I fixed a quick oatmeal breakfast before the 0915 church service began.  According to the counter on YouTube, Church attendance was 122 which probably translate to 250.

After church Nancy and I took a short walk.  Nancy wants to start taking short walks.  The exercise is good for her recently operated on foot.

Before lunch I read the GRP and finished yesterday’s blog. Light lunch and then headed out on a bike ride.  Today’s ride was an easy 7 miles.

On a whim I recently put out a block of suet by our living room deck slider.  At this time of year never thought birds needed food.  Surprise! I replace the block twice a week.  We get primarily large jays and woodpeckers.  Fun to watch.

Being Sunday I took my mandatory afternoon nap.  Had an apple snack before dinner.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and a croissant.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by another episode of “Line of Duty” on Acorn.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  She had a long seizure.  The seizures are becoming more frequent.  We see the Vet next week.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Saturday June 27, 2020

Saturday June 27, 2020

Blog time 1550 in office

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.

Light calisthenics, dressed and then we drove to Panera.

It had rained most of the night so the outdoor furniture was wet.  However, a nice young lady wiped off a table and chairs.  

We both ordered coffee but I added a bowl of oatmeal and a plain bagel.  It was very pleasant sitting outside.  

On our way home we stopped a D&W to buy coleslaw for tonight.  Looked for disinfecting wipes but they were all out.  Our next stop was Lake Mi CU so Nancy could do some banking.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I headed downstairs to finish both Thursday’s and Friday’s blog.  I really got behind.

1230 I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  Encountered a lot of bike traffic on the trails.  No critters.

If I was King I would:

Eliminate March and add another June.  The 2020 June has been the best ever.

Anyone who posted a false statement would have his photo posted on the Hall of Shame.  Of course the Hall of Shame would pop up every time you turned on your iPad or computer.

Police would be unarmed.  Criminals using a knife or gun in committing a crime would be subject to the death penalty.  Think Congress would ever approve?

No political ads until 45 days before election.

During a pandemic masks would be required.  Mandatory fine of $133.

I would bring back the draft.  All young men at 18 would be required to spend 24 months in the service.  Putting all young men of all races in close quarters would solve a lot of future problems.  Also for those who serve the 24 months would be entitled to free college at state supported schools.

I would make everyone read today’s OpEd by Peggy Noonan in today’s WSJ.

After my bike ride I showered and shaved.  Lunch and then a quick nap.

Nancy and I took a short walk before dinner.  Tonight we finished the pin wheel sandwich.  We also had coleslaw.

After dinner we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy had a small hot fudge sundae.  I had a medium vanilla frozen custard.  Perfect for a hot humid evening.

Tonight we watched “Knives Out” was on Prime.  The movie was 2 hours and 10 minutes.  I gave the first 1 hour and 50 minutes a C+.  The last 20 minutes I gave an A.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We gave a positive report.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Friday June 26, 2020

Friday June 26, 2020

Blog time 1130 on Saturday; as they say I am a day late and dollar short.

Friday Morning.  I get up at 0600 and take Ms P out.  Head downstairs for calisthenics.  After I shower and have breakfast.

Today I have a 0930 appointment with Dr Lambert, DDS.  I have recently been having some tooth pain.  

Stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me to Dentist.  As soon as I arrive I called the office from my car.   I was told to sit in car until my appointment time.  A nurse will come out take my temperature and escort me into the office.  Of course I have to wear a mask.

First thing, I received a complete dental X-ray, followed by a cleaning.  Dr Lambert reviewed the X-rays and escorted me to his conference room.  The conference room indicates that whatever he recommends will be expensive.

Bottom line: the teeth that support my partial upper dental plate cannot be saved.  That means I will need to have the remaining upper jaw teeth removed.  A total plate will be needed.  

The options offered were:
1. A standard set of false teeth.  Usually a dental adhesive will be needed to keep the plate from moving.  

2. Implants:  four screws would be drilled into my jaw and then a plate attached to the screws.  The plate would be fixed and cannot be removed.  In a perfect world this is the preferred option.  It is also the most expensive by a factor of 10.  Ouch!

I have a scheduled appointment with Oral Surgeon on July 17.  Will have to do some serious thinking.

Rest of days activities:

Noon:  headed out on 9.5 mile bike ride.


Spent time measuring up the downstairs slider screen.  Will hire Randy Heidelberg’s next week to help me replace the screen.

Checked email and read news.

Short nap followed by apple snack.

Dinner tonight was pin wheel sandwiches with coleslaw.

Took a 3/4 mile walk.

Tonight we watched another episode of Line of Duty.
It was raining when took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain will stop early tomorrow.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening. Everything is ok in CA and MI.

Thursday June 25, 2020

Thursday June 25, 2020

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Did you know today is Leon day.  Leon is Noel backwards.  6 months to Christmas.  

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was sunny with temps in high 50s.

Calisthenics before my oatmeal breakfast.  Hopped on bike at 0830 and took my 10.5 mile route.

Shaved and showered before driving to Panera.  Panera is just not what it use to be.  If they didn’t have cheap coffee, $0.30 daily, I might find an alternative.  That said Panera does give me an opportunity to write blog and do my iPad routine while drinking hot coffee in a quiet surrounding.

Got home at 1300.  Lunch and then Nancy and I head to Costco.  Today we bought wine, pin wheel sandwiches, cheese, mini naans, cheerios and lotion.  We were going to split a frozen yogurt but Costco’s food court discontinued yogurt.  On way home we made a quick stop at Aldi’s.

This afternoon I found time for a nap and an apple snack.  For dinner we had pin wheel sandwiches purchased earlier today.  I had mine with coleslaw.

After dinner,  fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.  Before settling down to some TV I took a mile walk.

Tonight we watched Line of Duty.  We both liked the show.

Talked to both Debbie and Missy today.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was sunny and 60.

This morning Nancy has a 0830 Physical Therapy appointment.  After the sessions she will pick up her prescription at Meijer’s.

Wednesday my easy day.  Light calisthenics before breakfast.  After I biked to Panera for coffee and some reading.

Panera was empty.  Even the regulars who have returned do not stay long.

This and that:

Big spikes in Coronavirus cases in several states are worrisome.

Little League and other youth sports are curtailed in GR but the Alpena News has reported on the success of the City’s youth softball and baseball teams.  They have won tournaments in southern Mi.  Confused?

I miss the Summer Outdoor Concerts at Meijer Gardens.

A President should lead by example.  Not wearing a mask in public shows a lack of leadership.

Free trade and liberal immigration use to be cornerstone of GOP policies.  What happened?  They have lost me and a lot of other folks.  

After Panera I took a 6 mile route home.  Great day for a bike ride.

Afternoon activities:

Load of laundry
Picked up trash and recyclables
Short nap
Apple snack

We had a light dinner of Cheerios and a croissant.   Watched the news and Jeopardy.  I did find time for a 1/2 mile walk.

Tonight we watched Gold Diggers on Acorn.  Nancy liked it.  I did not.

Temp was mild when took Ms P out at 2200.  Another nice day predicted for tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Tuesday June 23, 2020

Tuesday June 23, 2020

Blog time 1145 at Panera

It rained most of the night.  The rain had stopped when took Ms P out at 0615.  Our hot weather is over for several days.  Temps in 60s today.

First thing Nancy headed out to get supplies at Walmart and Sam’s Club.  She has to replenish our dog food and baguettes inventories.

Did my calisthenics before breakfast.  Today I was about an hour ahead of schedule.  I started my bike ride at 0800.

Vehicular traffic was heavier today.  More folks going back to the office?  I encountered about ten turkeys feeding along the bike path.  They seemed unafraid.  

It being Tuesday I shaved before showering, I shave on T/Th and Sat.  Drove to Panera for coffee and some reading.  Panera has not returned to its pre Coronavirus occupancy.  Many regulars have not returned.

Quick lunch before heading downstairs to read my mail.  Nancy headed out at 1330.  She has an appointment with her foot surgeon.

Took a short nap followed by a 1.5 mile walk.  I wore a jacket because it was very windy with temperature in low 60s.

At the Doctors Nancy had her stitches removed and was given a positive report on her recovery.  Tomorrow she will start physical therapy.

I made a quick run to Meijer’s to get Nancy’s prescription filled.  Also bought cookies, suet and wine.

At our Sunday dinner at the Moleski’s we were given some leftover beef and shrimp.  We had this for dinner tonight.  I had mine with a salad and croissant.  

We watched the news, NBC and PBS.  It seems every commercial is a political ad.  The ads for President are nasty.  We have 5 more months of this nonsense.  Will the voters become turned off?  

We watched an episode of NCIS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another Bordertown.

It was cool, low 60s, when took Ms P out at 2200.  

Talked to both Debbie and Missy today.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Monday June 22, 2020

Monday June 22, 2020

Blog time 1030 sitting in living room

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was hot and humid.  

Nancy finally had an almost pain free night.  Tuesday she has an appointment with her surgeon.  He will remove the stitches.

Started the day with calisthenics.  Next week the Y is suppose to open.  If so, most of my calisthenics will be done there.

Before breakfast I headed to Panera for morning coffee.  I had breakfast at home.

This morning Davidson Electric is coming to fix or replace our downstairs bathroom light and vent.  They arrived at 0930.  After seeing the existing fixture decided we needed a new one.  They made a quick trip to Home Depot and are now installing it.

The new bathroom light and vent are working fine.  I will now resume using this bathroom.  I like the small shower.  It is so small it is impossible to fall. 

After the Electrician left I ran errands.  

First stop was Macatawa Bank.  The lobby was finally open and I was able to check on some accounts.   

Dropped shirts off at the laundry.

Filled the Escape up.

Bought bananas at D&W.

At noon I took my daily bike 10.5 mile ride.  Not many bikers or walkers today.  I assume it is because of the heat and humidity.

This afternoon:


Reading and writing blog

Short walk

Apple snack

Heavy shower late this afternoon.  It rained so hard we had an inch of water on the concrete slab outside the basement slider.  Luckily the shower was of short duration.

Being Monday we had a light dinner.  I had a bowl of Cheerios with a banana and scone.

After the news we watched episode 1 of the new season of Grantchester.  We liked it.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Bordertown.  Finland in winter is beautiful.  I can see why they settled in Michigan’s UP.  It reminded them of home.

Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was still hot and humid.  The house was uncomfortable so I turned the AC on.  Turned it off at 0200.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  We gave a positive report.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

Sunday June 21, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 21 June 2020

Saturday June 20, 2020

Blog time 1100 Saturday sitting in Living Room

I heard a noise at 0330 and Nancy had just taken Ms P out.  Yes folks 0330.

I slept in until 0700.  Today for the first time since February Nancy and I are driving to Panera for breakfast.  I had oatmeal and a toasted bagel.  We both had coffee.  It was such a nice day we sat outside.  Panera was not crowded.

The Summer Solstice starts today at 1743.  The longest day of the year.  A day celebrated by Druids at Stonehenge in the UK. 

I go into a funk at the start of the Summer Solstice.  The days will now start getting shorter which means winter is coming.  Bummer.

Spent time in office catching up.  At noon I headed out on a 9 mile bike ride.  Not many folks outside because it was hot, 87.

After the ride I shaved and showered.  For lunch I just had a yogurt.

Nap and then at 1600 Nancy and I drove to Sundance Grill for an early dinner.  Sundance was nearly empty.  We sat outside,  had a drink before ordering.  Wine for me and a margarita for Nancy.  

For dinner I had corn beef hash and eggs and Nancy had several deep fried egg rolls.  First time we have eaten at a restaurant since early March.  

This evening we watched movie Pale Horse.  We gave it a C.  

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy today. 

Sunday June 21

First full day of summer.  Up at 0630 and headed downstairs for some mild calisthenics.  

Before breakfast I headed to Panera for my morning coffee.  Standard oatmeal, banana, bagel breakfast.  Light rain but it was a warm 80.

At 0900 turned on the iPad and watched the 0915 service from Trinity Lutheran.  This is the 14th Sunday of streaming church service.  They have solved all their technical issues.  I will be glad when we can return to normal Church service.  I think September is my best guess.

Spent the rest of the morning reading the GRP and online news.  Before a quick nap I took a 1.5 mile walk.

At 1500 Nancy and I drove to the Moleski’s for an early dinner.  I was glad the sun was out so we could sit outside and practice social distancing.  In addition to Tom and Linda Moleski, Mary Namey was also in attendance.

We had drinks before the meal. It was nice to sit outside and talk.

The meal consisted of beef, shrimp, grilled vegetables and baked onions.  The highlight of the meal was dessert.  We had chocolate s’mores brownies.  I had two.  A very pleasant evening.

We got home in time to watch 60 Minutes and a crime show on Acorn.  The temperature was 75 when took Ms P out at 2200.  

Speaking of Ms P she had a sudden seizure this evening.  This event went on longer than normal.  Luckily, we have an appointment with the Vet in early July. 

Today is Father’s Day.  Debbie, Missy and Stephen all gave me a call wishing me a Happy Father’s Day.  I appreciated it.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Friday June 19, 2020

Friday June 19, 2020

Blog time 1030 on Saturday in Living Room

Is the nice weather the reason I am 24 hours behind on my blog/diary?  I never seem to catch up.

Took Ms P out at 0550.  It was just starting to get light. Sunrise at 0602.  Another hot, humid but sunny day ahead.

Calisthenics at home, breakfast and then headed out on my morning bike ride.  The nice weather is really bringing out folks.  The trail was crowded with bikers and walkers.

Today Kim is cleaning the house.  As soon as I got home I take a quick shower.  Nancy wants to be out of Kim’s way so we took a 2 hour car trip.  

We continued our vehicular tour of small communities in Kent County.  Today we drove through Alaska, Caledonia and Byron Center.  All communities in southern Kent County.  A very pleasant drive.  Passed by many corn fields.  The corn will not be knee high by the Fourth of July.

Kim was just finishing when we got home at 1300.  Quick lunch.

Afternoon activities:

Called Condo Association about sprinklers not being turned on this year.  Also called sprinkler company and let them know of my displeasure.

My nap was disturbed by Nancy telling me the Irrigation Company was at the door.  I was told our sprinklers were now on.  I was also told that our next door neighbors have the on/off switch for the system.  They were in Florida and would not let them in.  

Neighbors came home yesterday and so the sprinklers were turned on.  Despite making several calls to the Management Company I was not told the neighbors control the system. The Sprinkler man and I had several harsh words about this matter.

I finished the afternoon with a short walk.

We deviated from our normal routine for dinner tonight.  We stopped at Culver’s for frozen custard.  I also had a scone with my custard.

At 1800 I turned on the AC.  Will turn it off when we got to bed about 2200.

After dinner we watched the news.  It being Friday I watched the Brooks and Shield debate on PBS.  As alway it was enjoyable.

Tonight we watched a new show on Netflix.  The name escapes me.

Warm and muggy when took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain predicted for late tomorrow.   

Thursday June 18, 2020

Thursday June 18, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0700.  It is going to be another sunny warm day.

Nancy made a quick trip to Panera to get her hazelnut coffee.  I headed downstairs and did my calisthenics.

Breakfast and then headed out on my week day bike ride of 10.5 miles.  I was heading south on Spaulding when noted a long line of cars.  Thought it was a bad wreck.  No traffic had stopped to let a large flock (gaggle?) of geese cross the road.  There were about 50 geese, young and old.  Largest flock I have seen.

Speaking of birds Nancy has commented on the number of pretty birds in our back yard.  I hung up a block of suet and the woodpeckers and cardinals love it.  Makes for good viewing.

Got home from bike ride at 1000.  Nancy had called the beauty shop and got an appointment for 1030.  She will take the car so I will bike to Panera.

Quick shave and shower before heading to Panera.  Panera was nearly empty.  I might have to find to new place to write my blog.  Panera is too cold.  Luckily I had a sweat shirt in my backpack to put on.  Also Panera has free coffee refills.  I think my recent stomach problems were caused by too much coffee.

This and that:

Supreme Court reject POTIS’s attempt to cancel DACA program.  Good decision.

Since I have a iPhone with a weather app I constantly am checking.  Is this overkill?

I think it is a bad idea for the President to have a Political rally in a Tulsa, OK Arena.  There will with 19,000 folks in attendance most not wearing masks.

I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Also bought wine, oatmeal and suet.

Today I did take a nap.  I also ate an apple.

Dinner tonight was hot dogs.  A great American standard.

Watched the news and then a show on Acorn.

Debbie and Missy contacted us today.  Everything ok.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wednesday June 17, 2020

Wednesday June 17, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in Living Room.

I was first up at 0555.  Took Ms P out and it looked like another sunny day.  Temps will reach mid 80s later today.

Day’s activities;

Light calisthenics followed by breakfast.

Made a quick trip to Panera for coffee.

0740 attend Breakfast Club on Zoom.  Today’s attendance was 18.  The speaker was a financial planner with Raymond James.  The most interesting thing was that the Speaker for several years was a professional poker player.  He played online poker and made an annual income of 6 figures.  The Feds closed down online poker so he had to get a real job. 

Started out on a bike ride.  Took my Bianchi bike.  2 miles into ride got a call from Ada Bike saying my Cannondale bike was ready.  Turned around and headed home.  Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  I rode the Cannondale home, a distance of 6 miles.  The new smaller tires made pedaling easier.

Nancy has a 1300 appointment with an Oral Surgeon.  She is getting a dental implant.  The meeting went well.

Spent an hour in office reading emails and papers.

Lunch followed by a nap.

I had an apple after my nap.

Took a mile walk.

This and that:

John Bolton’s book could cause trouble for the President’s re-election campaign.  I never thought much of Bolton especially when UN Rep.  He is a narrow minded conservative bomb thrower.

The USA badly needs a third party.  A country of over 300 million and the Dems and GOP can offer are two draft dodging old men who get confused when asked a simple question.

I bet there are millions of smart scientists working overtime to find a Coronavirus vaccine.  The rewards for success are tremendous.

I wear three light layers when biking.  Everyone I pass, walking or biking, is wearing a single tee shirt and shorts.  Do I have a problem?

I don’t care if we have a baseball or football season.  I recommend that men buy a good pair of walking shoes.  The benefits far outweigh watching TV.

I cannot recall a better stretch of weather than what we are now having.  I am savoring it. 

Tonight we had our normal Wednesday dinner.  Cheerios and toast.

Watched news and Jeopardy.  On Apple TV we watched another episode of Keeping Faith on Acorn.  The jury is still out on this show.

The temperature got up to mid 80s today.  Turned on AC at 1700 to cool down house.  Turned it off just before going to bed.  

Debbie and Missy made their nightly call to check on their tottering parents.  We gave a positive report.