Thursday, September 5, 2019

Wednesday September 4, 2019

Wednesday September 4, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  To celebrate I slept in until 0700.

 Nancy headed out to her class at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I did some reduced calisthenics at home and then biked to Panera.  The sun was out and temp was a cool 62.

Ordered my standard oatmeal breakfast.  This morning I followed my normal Panera routine.  Scanned Alpena News, read email and then finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.  How is that for boring!

I did spend some time talking with a couple from church the Mesters.  First time I have seen them at Panera.  They live in a condo across from the Y.  He is a UM civil engineer.

This and that;

Can the U.K. get any more screwed up?

President Trump is diverting Defense Construction funds to build the Wall.  Dumb move!

Chief Administration official in Hong Kong is withdrawing the controversial extradition bill that started the uprising.  Good start.

Michigan wants to be first state to ban flavored e-cigarettes.

Granddaughter Akerke has just gotten glasses.  They look good on her.  I was about the same age when I got glasses.  I really needed them because I could not see the blackboard.  Made a big difference.  

Took a five mile ride home.  Nancy was preparing to leave for Gardens.  Took out trash and recyclables before shaving and showering.

Lunch and then a short nap.  I walked to Macatawa Bank, .075 miles, to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Every Wednesday during the summer Culver’s which is next door to the bank allows classic car owners to show their vehicles.  

I like looking at the beautifully restored cars, especially if they are older than I.  However, I would never own a classic car.  I want my car to have all the new whistles and bells.  I especially like the modern safety features.

Fixed apple snack.

Light dinner tonight.  Fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker snack.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched a new show.  I cannot remember it’s name which is just as well because it was bad.  I did stay up and watched the French Crime show, La Mante.  Not bad will watch episode three tomorrow.

Really cools off tonight.  Temperature in morning forecast to be in mid-40s.

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