Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saturday September 28, 2019

Saturday September 28, 2019

Blog time 1100 sitting in den

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  Nancy said they encountered a light mist.  I got up at 0630.  I did my normal calisthenics (50%) first thing.  

The mist prevented us from walking to Panera.  Instead we drove to Bob Evan’s.  Nancy had eggs, bacon, potatoes and two biscuits.  I had oatmeal, scrambled egg and toast with peanut butter.  Good food.

Nancy wanted to go to Aldi’s but it was too early.  We took a drive around the neighborhood until 0900 when Aldi’s opened.  She bought grapes and crackers.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  Because of the rain I could not go on a bike ride.  I headed to my office and finished yesterday’s blog and started reading the News.

CORRECTION:  In yesterday’s blog I mentioned that during my football playing days I had never had a game delayed or cancelled because of lightning.

I was wrong.  In 1951 my 8th grade football team, McPhee School had a game cancelled.  I try to forget about our team because we were so bad.  We not only did not win a game we did not score a touchdown.  Porky Stemkowski and I were co-captains of this ill fated team.
This and that:

Impeachment dominates the USA news.  However, talk about Global Warming is making headway.  I think that a sensible plan is needed.  A carbon tax, phasing out diesel engines in favor of natural gas would be a good step.  Whatever the mix I think nuclear power has to be included.

Rising sea levels is a big problem.  Places like the Mekong delta, a major rice growing region, would be severely damaged by salt water intrusion.  

On a happier note the rain had stopped by 1130.  I put on my bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.  

As soon as I got home I shaved and showered.  Lunch and then a nap.  

I going to fix our apple snack but Nancy said her stomach was upset and food was the last thing she wanted.  We were going to JT’s Pizza but canceled.

I took a walk and then drove to Subway to get a sandwich.  Nancy headed to bed at 1800.

I did watch some football today.  The UM game was boring but plenty of excitement at the MSU/IU game.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  Nancy was sleeping so Debbie and I talked for 40 minutes.  Alway great!
Watched a new Netflix show Criminal, UK tonight.  I did not like the show.

Headed to bed at 2230. Rain and cool temps for tomorrow.

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