Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tuesday September 17, 2019

Tuesday September 17, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600.  It was cool, 57.  I checked my weather app and the humidity was 91%.  I am having problems with the high humidity.

Nancy headed out early this morning for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  I put on my warm high visibility jacket, pumped up bike tires and biked 7 miles to Y.

Every day I notice more leaves getting color.  The walnuts and acorns continue to drop.  Only 12h 24’ of daylight.  Next Monday is the Autumnal Equinox when we should have 12h of daylight.  

Calisthenics and walk at the Y before heading to Panera.  

This and that:

Will the USA retaliate if it is found the attack on the Saudi oil facility was from Iran?  I don’t think so.

The Dems in congress can not make up their minds about impeachment.

Big football game Saturday between Wisconsin and UM.  Who will son, Stephen, cheer on?  He went to both school.  In fact, Steve met Veronica at UW.  
The General Motors strike could have serious impact on Michigan’s economy if it lingers on.  I think the UAW should think long and hard about punishing GM.  Foreign car makers with plants in the USA pay their USA employees less than UAW.

The best part of reading the abbreviated Telegraph in the Apples News app is their Pictures of the Day section.  

Just got a text from Nancy wanting to know if I want to drive her to get some fall flowers.  I said yes.

Quick shave and shower before lunch.  After, we got in the Escape and headed to Huizenga Greenhouse on Eastern Ave.  Nancy wanted to buy four big pots of a fall plant whose name escapes me.  She picked out the plants and loaded them in the Escape.  No cashiers at Huizenga’s, you just wrote a check or put money in a slotted box.  Very trusting folks.  Only in GR would this work.

Next stop was Ken’s Fruit Market on Eastern in Alger Heights.  Nancy bought peaches and apples.

After placing the new plants on our deck I prepared an apple snack for us.  Headed downstairs and checked credit card receipts against postings.  Everything checked.  In fact except for one mistake several years ago I have never found a mistake.  Paid credit card.

Finished the afternoon with short nap.   We left home at 1745, picked up our old neighbor, Sonya, and then headed to Noto’s.  Tonight is the neighborhood monthly dinner.  Only 16 neighbors were in attendance.  It is too bad because the food was really good.  

We got home at 2020 and immediately turned on the TV to watch another episode of Country Music on pbs.  Great show,  I am surprised that I know the words to most of the songs recorded in the 40s and 50s.  I think because we did not have TV and listened to radio to hear current hits.  The only radio station in Alpena played both pop and country hits.

Speaking of listening to music, in 1953 Alpena High School put a juke box in the cafeteria.  It was very popular.  I remember that “Love and Marriage” was so popular they wore out the record.   

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