Thursday, September 19, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Wednesday September 18, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Another nice sunny Fall day.  Everyone up at 0615.  Lately Nancy has had to wake Ms P.  

Nancy headed to MVP and I did some light calisthenics before making a short bike ride to Panera.  Today is my easy Wednesday, no Y.  At Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast.

This and that;

The election in Israel was a dead heat.  Close elections seem to be the recent norm in democratic countries.  Both the USA and U.K. have had very close elections recently.  You would think with millions of voters that a clear winner would emerge.

I did not know that the world’s largest amphibian reside in China.  It is a salamander whose length exceeds five feet and can weigh over 100 pounds.  This critter is certified ugly.  It is prized as tasty delicacy.  Not for me.

Speaking of food it is fall in Michigan.  In the fall my mother would prepare different kinds of local grown squash.  Acorn and butternut are the two I remember.  Mom would cut the acorn squash in half, cook it and we would add butter and brown sugar and it it out of the shell.  Apple, peaches and pears were in season.  Mother would can all three.  We had canned fruit with our evening meal throughout the winter.

I took a different route home from Panera.  Discovered bike path through Cascade Twp’s Burton Park.  Much longer than I thought.  Total miles 11.

At home I showered and had a quick lunch.  Activities this afternoon included;

Changed light bulbs in entrance hall and deck.

Did a load of laundry.

Took out recyclables and trash.

Short nap.

Took shirts to laundry.

Fixed apple snack.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  She said they were busy.  

Light dinner followed by cheese/cracker snack for Nancy.  I took a short walk.

Tonight we watched episode 4 of Country Music on PBS.  I like the show because I know most of the words of the songs. 

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