Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wednesday September 11, 2019

Wednesday September 11, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up with alarm at 0515.  Pitch black when headed out at 0603.  Picked up a coffee at Panera on my way downtown.  

My eye doctor has given me some night time driving glasses.  I wore them this morning and they work great.

Nice crowd at BC.  This morning’s speaker is an attorney who specializes in Marijuana law.  She explained all the pit falls of getting into the marijuana and hemp growing business.  Very interesting.

Stopped at Meijer’s for bananas and gas on way home.  

Got a strange call from California this morning.  I picked up phone and a male voice said “Grandpa”.  He said he was in trouble.  I asked what the trouble was.  He said he was in a car accident and spent the night in jail.  WARNING signs went up.  I asked where  he was.  He said said Sacramento.  I hung up.

I do have a Grandson in California but he is too young to drive.  Beside that he never calls or texts me.

Changed into bike clothes and took a 2 mile route to Panera.  On and off rain with warm temps.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some news.
This and that;

Today is the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the twin towers in NYC.  I remember it clearly.  It was a beautiful September day and I saw just a glimpse of the attack on TV as I was heading out of the Michigan Athletic Club (MAC).  When I got to the office the staff was watching on our small TV.  A very sad episode in USA history.

Other events I remember vividly are;

VJ Day in August 1945.

The assassination of JFK.  I was stationed in Vietnam.

Landing on moon.

San Francisco is proposing a law stating that the NRA is a terrorist organization.  That law would never fly in Middle America.  Stupid law.

Headed home at 1230.  Nancy had already left for her shift at Meijer’s Garden.  Lunch and then I head out to Costco.  Purchased my food staples like peanut butter, Cheerios, sandwich rolls, chicken noodle soup and hard cheese.  Also bought Kleenex and eye drops.
At home took out trash and did a load of laundry.  Took a short nap.

Nancy got home at 1700.  Fixed our apple snack and then took a 1.25 mile walk.  

Light dinner tonight.  After dishes fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.

The TV kept posting storm warnings.  At 2000 the storm warning sirens starting going off.  We were told to seek shelter.  Grabbed Ms P and headed downstairs.  The wind was howling and rain came down in torrents.  Storm passed in about 30 minutes.  Weather Service lifted warning at 2030.

Tonight we watched an episode of Blood.  Not very good.  Rain will continue through the night.   

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