Saturday, September 28, 2019

Friday September 27, 2019

Friday September 27, 2019

Blog time 2130 sitting in den

Nancy and Ms P up at 0530.  I slept in until 0630.  Today I have to be home at 1000.  The refrigerator repair man is coming.

Light rain as I was leaving.  Put on rain suit and headed out, cool temps, mid 50s.  I spotted some wild turkeys on the trail and took several photos.  Also, stopped at Panera to get my thermos filled.  Got home at 0930.  

The repair man arrived at exactly 1000.  He cleaned and checked the refrigerator.  Bottom line we have a leak in the refrigerant system.  New parts will be installed next Wednesday.  Repairs to refrigerators are not cheap.

Finished my calisthenics at home and then showered.  Made a quick trip to Meijer’s to pick up two prescriptions and buys bananas.

Lunch and then started on a walk around the block.  It started to rain so I cut the walk short.

At 1500 we headed to Trinity Lutheran to get our pictures taken for the church’s directory.  Nice set of pictures so we ended up buying three that we liked.  Stopped at Forest Hills Foods on way home and bought coleslaw for dinner.

The Impeachment dominates the news.  I don’t look forward to months of toxic bickering.  We all know the Senate will reject impeachment, so what has been gained.  David Brooks on NPR news tonight had a good idea.  Why not just censure the President and then get on with the people’s business.  Let the voters decide President Trump’s fate next November.

Nancy fixed Shepard’s Pie for dinner along with the coleslaw we had just purchased.  Good meal.  We watched the news and at 2000 watched Midsomer Murders.

It has been raining most of the evening.  We keep getting alerts about electrical storms in the area.   When an electrical storms is approaching an outdoor event it is immediately stopped.  I think many HS football games were either delayed or postponed until tomorrow.

In my football playing days in the 50s I cannot remember ever having a game delayed or postponed because of lightning.  I cannot remember any lightning.  Global warming?

I do remember a game being postponed because the visiting team had several students recently get polio.  Every time I read about Parents saying they don’t want their kids getting a polio shot I want to tell them what a devasting disease Polio was.   


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