Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tuesday September 3, 2019

Tuesday September 3, 2019

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Nancy as usual got up with Ms P at 0600.  I slept in until 0640.

Nancy headed out at 0730 for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  My weather app said no rain until 1100.  I put on my bike clothes.  Get outside and to my surprise it was raining lightly.  Decided to chance it and headed out.  Took the short route to the Y, 4 miles.  The sprinkle had stopped by the time I got to the Y.

The fall programs were underway at the Y.  All classes were well attended, especially the Body Pump and Water Aerobic classes.

I have a 1600 appointment with my MG Doctor. Got a call at Panera asking if I would mind rescheduling the appointment.  I said sure.

This and that;

Can an adult walk into the teeth of a 120 mph wind?

The battle over BRexit is turning the U.K. upside down.

Another shooting this time at State Fair in MN.  Local West Michigan High School closed because of bomb threat. What is the solution?

I am totally opposed to mobile phone sports betting.

I know it is Fall because the bike path is loaded with fallen acorns.

Showered and then a quick lunch.  After, I headed downstairs to the office.  

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Paid our third income tax installment, both federal and state.

Checked accounts and paid several bills.

Walked to post box to mail letters.

Fixed our apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing.  Also had some fresh coleslaw.   Very good.

This evening we watched an episode of DCI Banks.  I stayed and watched a French crime show.  It was not bad.  

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