Monday, September 23, 2019

Sunday September 22, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 22Sep19

Blog time 1740 Saturday sitting in office:

We all were up at 0630.  Nancy took Ms P out and I did my calisthenics at 50%.  

Today we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Very humid with temperature in mid 60s.  Panera was not crowded.  Nancy had her coffee and I had my oatmeal.

As soon as we got home we got in Escape and ran errands.  First stop was Mr Thanh’s Tailor Shop so Nancy could pick up a repair job.  Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s and stocked up on frozen dinners, dog food, etc.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took an 11 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.  The trails were crowded with walkers and bikers.

Shaved and showered.  Took a quick trip to D&W’s Post Office so Nancy could mail some packages.

I had lunch and took a short nap. After, spent time in office reading and finishing Friday’s blog.  I watched UM get trashed by UW.  On a positive note Alpena High won their second straight football game Friday night. 

This evening we picked up neighbor Sonya and headed to Pietro’s for dinner.  We had not been to Pietros in over a year.  We had forgotten how good the food was.  We all had an Italian dish.

When our kids were still living at home Pietro’s Back Door was on our list of favorite restaurants.

We got home just in time for Debbie’s FaceTime.  We talked about our past weeks activities.  Started watching Dutch show on Netflix but fell asleep 5 minutes into the show.  When I woke up a second episode was almost finished.  Good grief I slept for 90 minutes.

Still Hot and humid when I took Ms P out at 2300.  Heavy rain most of the night.

Sunday September 22, 2019

Blog continues at 1320 on Sunday sitting in office.  

We both were up at 0600.  Nancy said it was not raining so we dressed for our Sunday walk.  However, it started raining when we headed out.  Nancy said no walk but I put on rain clothes and headed out.  Five minutes into the walk the rain stopped.  Typical weather for today, intermittent rain.

Bought a coffee at Panera before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  In church today the Lutheran Church in Herron, Mi was recognized.  Herron is an old German farming community in Alpena County.

After church stopped at Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.74.  

At home I took the Taurus for a fill up.  Also filled a yard waste bag with the Summer’s hanging plants.  The condo association’s landscape contractor will pick up the bags tomorrow.  After the chores took another short walk.  Want to get my 2 miles in before the rain.

Did some reading in the office before lunch.  Nearly every week Peggy Noonan writes an Op-Ed in the WSJ.  I always read.  Saturday’s was especially good.  I recommend it.

Lunch, more reading and then a nap.  Checked my watch and it said rain in 45 minutes so I took another short walk.  The total distance for my three walks was 2.6 miles.  Did not close my circle but got over 10,000 steps in.  Recent report say that 10,000 steps is not a magic number.  7,500 is a better daily goal.

Good grief the Lions are undefeated.  Tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  You can be sure that I will watch episode 5 of “Country Music” tonight.

Before dinner I fixed our apple snack.  Finished reading the GRP.  Nancy’s scrambled eggs were great as was the bacon, and spinach pie.

The football game delayed the start of 60 Minutes so we only watched the first segment because at 2000 we switched to PBS to watch Country Music.  

It was raining hard when the show started.  The heavy rain would knock out our Direct TV for about five minutes before recovering.  This happened about five time in the next two hours.  Bummer.

Nancy’s friend Kathi called during the show and she talked for over an hour.  I told Nancy not to worry we will watch this episode later on our Apple TV.

It was raining too hard at 2200 to take Ms P out.  I read until about 2330.  The rain had stopped so took Ms P out.  Tomorrow should be dry.   


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