Monday, September 9, 2019

Sunday September 8, 2019

Weekend Update for WE September 8, 2019

Blog started Saturday September 7, 2019 at 1630 sitting in office.

It was cool this morning, 55.  Being Saturday Nancy and I walked to Panera.  Despite the cool temp we had bright sun making the walk pleasant.

Panera was empty.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

At home Nancy called the hairdresser and got right in.  I put on my bike clothes loaded up the bike and headed to Millennium Park.  First time this year.  

I rode 15 miles.  The Park was crowded with runners and bikers.  The Park trails are mostly flat.  The trails are the safest in the area.  Only one road crossing.  

At home showered and then a quick lunch.  Spent most of the afternoon writing blog and reading news.  

I watched the end of the UM/Army game, 2 overtimes.  UM was lucky, they did not look good.

Short nap followed by apple snack.  For dinner Nancy emptied the refrigerator.  We split liver and meatloaf.  Also had corn on the cob.  Very good.

Tonight Debbie FaceTimed us.  She was at SFO waiting for a flight to London.  She will be in London until Friday.

We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  I stayed up and watched some of the MSU/WMU game.  

During the game MSU ran a commercial about their Libraries comic book collection.  It featured my cousin Randy Scott.  I did not see it but my sister  said it was great.

Sunday September 8, 2019

We were both up at 0630.  This morning we took our Sunday walk around the block.  We started before sunrise at 0713 but finished in bright sun.

Breakfast and then made quick trip to Panera for coffee.  Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  My watch without prompting told me it was 11 minutes to Trinity Lutheran. This is scary.

Large crowd at church.  Sunday school starts today.  

After church we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.74.  

After unloading the car I took the Taurus for gas.  Before lunch I read the GRP.  The paper is so bad it only takes 20 minutes to read from cover to cover.  

I spent some time putting away summer clothes.  I got out my cords and lined khakis.

Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  Fixed our apple snack.  

In preparation for tomorrow’s ride I wanted to pump up my bike tires.  My rear tire was flat.  It would not take air.  Bummer.

Took a 1.75 mi walk before dinner.  It was cloudy and 64.  Good walking conditions.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.

No 60 Minutes tonight we watched two episodes of No Offence.  I stayed up and watched the Sunday night football game.

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