Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019

Tuesday September 24, 2019

Pitch black when I got up at 0630.  Nancy and Ms P had already been out.  Nancy said it was cool, mid 50s.

Nancy left at 0715 for her swim at MVP.  Breakfast and then headed out at 0820 for the Y.  It was cool but sunny, great day for a ride.  The only critters I saw today were Geese.  We are overrun with Geese.  The Townships should authorize an open hunt for geese.  The local population should be reduced by at least 500.

I am a creature of habit.  So I became confused when all the gym equipment had been moved.  My local workout floor had been moved.  Actually, I found the new layout to be superior.

Sure sigh it is fall, Panera has brought back their soup in a bread bowl.  They also are offering a warm salad.  

This and that:

PM Boris Johnson cannot get a break.  His party is in rebellion and the UK Supreme Court has ruled his suspension of Parliament unlawful.  Will BRexit happen?

I thought the President’s speech to the UN on religious freedom was appropriate.  Very subdued for POTUS.

The House is moving ahead with impeachment inquiry.  
On a lighter note, Nancy told me baked potatoes were on the evening’s menu.  Did you know Mi is a big potato growing state, especially NE Mi?  Alpena High School would give excused absences of five days for students to pick potatoes (boys and girls).  Boys also got 3 days of excused absences each for bird hunting and deer hunting.  How is that for fair?

Showered and shaved before lunch.  Nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed a stuffed chicken breast with baked potatoes and cole slaw.  This evening we watched another episode of Country Music.


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