Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Thursday September 26, 2019

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Ms P got Nancy up at 0530.  I did not get up until 0645.  Nancy headed out at 0715 for her swim at MVP.

This afternoon I have a 1300 appointment with a surgeon.  It is scheduled as a consultation.  I have an enlarged fat deposit in my groin area.  I originally thought it was a hernia but the ultrasound determined it was the fat deposit.

I want to be home by 1130 in order to get my shower and lunch before heading to the doc.  Shortened my calisthenics and bike ride because of the time constraints.

This and that:

Who is the Whistleblower and will he ever show his face?

Will we ever get an infrastructure bill or will congress continue to bicker?

Most homes in my youth had a coal bin.  This was a basement room that held a winter’s worth of coal.  A coal truck would back up to a window in the bin and dump their load.  A huge cloud of coal dust would result.  The coal we used was called lump coal.  Most lumps were about 8-12 inches square.  I would fill the furnace about four time a day.  In the morning I would empty the ashes into a barrel and take outdoors.  Coal was a dirty way to heat a house.

Got home at 1130 and had a quick shower and lunch.  Headed out at 1230 for the Doctor’s office.

After spending almost half an hour filling out forms (what ever happened to your medical history being universal on a computer data base).  The Doctor said the ultrasound test showed a fat deposit that is common with older men.  Might also have a weak hernia.  Bottom line we will watch but no operation is necessary at this time.  I will continue my exercise routine.  If an exercise routine creates some pain I should just back off.  I left the office relieved.

At home finished reading papers and prepared apple snack.  For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill, my favorite neighborhood pub.  We got the last table.  Nancy had a cup of bean soup and I had a lake perch sandwich.  Great sandwich.  

Sitting at an adjoining table was an Albion Classmate of Nancy’s.  She and husband also belong to Trinity Lutheran.

At home we watched the first episode of this year’s NCIS followed by My Life is Murder.    


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