Friday, September 20, 2019

Thursday September 19, 2019

Thursday September 19, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

The great fall weather continues.  Sun all day.  Temperature at 0800 was 59 but heading for a high of 83 later.

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600. I got up at 0630.  Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  I left home at 0815.  Super pleasant day for a 7 mile bike ride.

Followed my routine at the Y, calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera.  At Panera finished proof reading yesterday’s blog before posting.  I am alway amazed at how many corrections I have to make.  Maybe POTUS should follow my procedure and let his tweets sit overnight before posting.

This and that:

Sorry to read of the passing of Cokie Roberts.  I always liked her reporting.  Very Professional.  

Canada’s Justin Trudeau is in trouble for wearing black face 18 years ago.  Everyone is now piling on saying “Shame of You”.  Many of us Old Folks did things years ago that are not acceptable today.  What happened to forgiveness?  

Members of the House continue to snipe at each other and POTUS.  In my lifetime I cannot remember when the political environment has been so toxic.  I think Democrats would like the economy to decline so they can blame GOP.    Forget the working folks.  The GOP is no better.  

Before lunch showered and shaved.  After I ran errands.  Stopped at ACE Hardware to get lightbulbs.  I am finally getting comfortable with Lumens as a measurement of brightness.

Next I stopped at D&W’s Satellite Post Office.  Grabbed a Priority Mail package so Nancy can send a package to Grandkids.  

This afternoon also fixed apple snack and took a nap.  At 1730 we headed to Meijer Gardens.  We attended a lecture by a sculptor who has an exhibit that opens tomorrow.  Member get a sneak peak tonight.  

She explained her work which was titled the Womb.  The sculpture consists of thousand of plants tied together with copper wire suspended from ceiling.  Nancy liked both the lecture and the sculpture.  

The Gardens is decorated for the Fall season.  Pumpkins, squash and other gourds are on display.   Looks good.  Nancy and I plan to take an afternoon this Fall to just walk around.

At home we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch some of the football game and finishing reading the WSJ.

Warm weather continues through Saturday.



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