Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Monday September 23, 2019

Monday September 23, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Nancy up at 0600 and I did not rise until 0630.  The rain had stopped and the temperature was a pleasant 62.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP at 0715.  Later this morning she will visit the Apple Store.  The face of her Apple Watch snapped off.  She will have to get someone to snap it back.

This morning we noted a lot of condensation along our refrigerator door.  I just hope it was caused by not properly closing the door.  I will get out the manual later and see if I can find a repair man just in case.

Today is the Fall Equinox.  We have 12h 06’ of day light.  The hours of daylight will continue to decline until December 21 when we bottom out at 9 hours.  

I took Ms P out before biking to Y.  It was cooler than I thought so went back inside and put on long pants and heavier jacket.  Last night’s heavy rain had filled every depression along the bike route with water.

Calisthenics and walk at the Y.  Talked with a meteorologist at Y and he said his rain gage measured over 3” this weekend.  That is a lot of water.

This and that:

Where are all the Robins?  It appears that most of our Robins have left.  Why do we have a State Bird that does not reside in the state all year.  How about Blue Jays or Turkeys?

Headline on the Sports Page of the Detroit News “Dazed and Boo”.

Did not watch Emmy’s.  Today’s report indicates a lot of Politically Correct comments.  Fleabag?

Who cares about WeWork or its founder?

Economists say we are saving more.  Why is this bad?

British Travel Association say that tourists should not take rides on elephants.  Come on, I always wanted to take an elephant ride looking for Tigers.

POTUS and his talk with Ukraine President dominates news.  Why are conversations between heads of state made public.  Other leaders will be reluctant to talk candidly with our President.  A big mess.

Vice President Biden is incensed about the President digging into his and his son
dealings with folks in Ukraine.  However, his son was hired by a Ukraine firm at $50,000 per month.
Under Senator Warrens proposed tax plan, the super rich would pay higher taxes.  Some folks have said the super rich can avoid these taxes by getting a divorce.  Good grief, marriage should be sacred and to think rich folks would even think of dissolving their marriage for a few bucks is inconceivable.

I did not get home until 1300.  Showered, quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out.  Our goal is to purchase a couple of picture postcards of Michigan.  Granddaughter Alessandra needs them for a school project.  

Stopped at Hallmark store.  No luck, they don’t sell postcards.  Next stop was the gift shop at the Airport.  Nancy was able to purchase two nice cards.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  I stopped at Meijer’s Pharmacy to see about a prescription.  No luck, communication problem between GP and Meijer’s.

Next I stopped at Home Depot to but a thermometer to put in refrigerator.  I want to see how well the cooling system is working.  Home Depot does not stock thermometers.

At home I called GP about sending prescription to Meijer’s.  Then called Miller Appliances and made an appointment for a serviceman to check out refrigerator.

Took a short nap followed by apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk.
Light dinner and then fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker pill snack.  Started watching news and fell asleep.  Slept for 60 minutes.  Why do I get my best sleep in my recliner?

We watched episode 5 of County Music before turning in.  

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