Monday, September 16, 2019

Sunday September 15, 2019

Weekend Update for WE September 16, 2019

Blog time 1630, Saturday sitting in office.

Saturday the 14th, we both got up at 0630.  Had to wake Ms P.  I did some light calisthenics before we headed to Panera.  

It was sunny but cool on our walk.  Panera was nearly empty when we arrived.  Standard oatmeal breakfast for me and coffee for Nancy.

At home I grabbed a shovel and filled in some critter holes located in our courtyard.  Nancy ran an errand to the CU.

Put on my bike clothes and headed out for my Saturday ride.  Great day for a ride, cool and sunny.  Today I rode 14 miles.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After lunch headed out to Gazelle Sports to look for some walking shoes.  Gazelle did not have what I wanted.  Next stop Bill and Paul’s.  I bought a pair of waterproof Oboz walking shoes.  Never heard of the brand but they are comfortable.

At home checked email and finished yesterday’s blog.  Took a short nap before dinner.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and croissant.  
This evening we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening and told us about her trip to London.  Debbie loves London.  

Friday night Debbie attended the Elton John concert in San Francisco.  She raved about the show.  Elton John performed for 3 hours.

Warm up starts tomorrow.  High temps in upper 70s all next week.

Sunday September 15, 2019

We are both up at 0630.  Started the day with a walk around the block, 1.3 miles.  On our walk we saw five deer eating shrubbery in a neighbor’s back yard,  3 does and 2 fawns.  Needed flashlight when started the walk.

I had breakfast.  Made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee to take with me to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was very crowded today.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Gas was $2.44 today.

I read the GRP, cover to cover, before a light lunch.  We left at 1345 for early dinner at the Moleski’s.  Tim Mask and Mary Namey also attended.

We had drinks on their deck before dinner.  Polish sausage and mashed potatoes were main menu items.  Also grilled vegetables and a Polish sweet cake for dessert.  Good time.  We were home by 1930.

This evening we watched Ken Burns film on Country Music.  Good show will watch again tomorrow.

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