Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday September 6, 2019

Friday September 6, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

I am glad it’s Friday.  Normal activities this morning.  Nancy up first, 0600, and I get up at 0645.  Nancy said no rain so today I bike.  Nancy left at 0730 for MVP.

After breakfast I walked out and it was raining hard.  I grabbed my car keys.  

Surprise, it had stopped raining after loading the car.  I took a chance and biked to the Y.  I encountered no rain on the ride.

The Y is affiliated with Mary Free Bed rehabilitation hospital.  Local Schools bring handicapped students for training.  This morning there were six buses from local schools parked in the lot.  From what I can see they do a great job with these kids.

Panera was crowded this morning I had trouble finding a table.

This and that;

Facebook is facing anti-trust law suits in several states.  Good, they are too big.  I think bigness is bad.

In Japan the government is proposing that they abandon the European and US standard of having family name last.  They want to reintroduce the old standard of family name first.  China and Korea follow the family name first protocol.  Scott Bob is confused.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After lunch drove to Breton Village.  Stopped at Fitzgerald’s because they are having a fall sale, purchased nothing.  At Orvis I purchased a pop over shirt.

No nap today.  I did fix our apple snack.

Left home at 1730 and headed to the GR Art Museum.  We attended a lecture on Abstract Art.  The museum opened an exhibit on Abstract Art this evening.  

We partook of the free snacks. I bought a glass of wine.

Nancy and I viewed the exhibit.  Neither one of us are big on Abstract Art.  The exhibit was well attended and I am sure our views were in the minority.  We did view some of the GRAM’s new purchases and were impressed.

At home we watched DCI Banks.  I slept through the whole show.  I should have taken a nap.  I did watch some of the Ninja Warrior show before turning in.

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